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Early Years[]

Born and raised within the secretive confines of Nova Roma, Lucius Antonius Aquilla was steeped in the rich heritage of ancient Roman customs and traditions. Growing up in this enigmatic society, he displayed exceptional intellect and an unwavering commitment to justice, deeply rooted in preserving Nova Roma's sanctity. From a young age, Lucius navigated Nova Roma's intricate political landscape with astute insight, earning admiration for his dedication to upholding its traditions. As he rose through the city's political ranks, he honed his skills in diplomacy and strategic planning, driven by an unyielding resolve to protect Nova Roma from both internal strife and external threats. His early years laid the groundwork for his later prominence as a formidable figure within the corridors of power in Nova Roma.[1]


During his time as a prominent senator, Lucius Aquilla faced considerable challenges within Nova Roma. The city encountered a grave threat from a faction within its Inca population, striving to transform the republic into an imperial dominion. This faction was entrenched in a sinister cult that worshiped the enigmatic Selene Gallio the Black Priestess and practiced ritualistic sacrifices of young girls in caves concealed beneath the city. As the leader of the opposition to this malevolent faction, Senator Aquilla valiantly opposed their nefarious designs, recognizing the imminent peril it posed to the city and its inhabitants. Amidst this chaos, his paramount concern was the safety of his beloved daughter, Amara Aquilla. Fearing for Amara's safety due to the dark cult's activities and the influence of the Black Priestess, who was later revealed to be the immortal mutant Selene, wife of Senator Marcus Gallio, Lucius took decisive action. To safeguard his daughter from the impending danger, he made a poignant decision. Senexactly sent Amara away from Nova Roma, disguising her as a native to live in seclusion within the jungle bordering the city. [2]

Amara's Return[]

It was through his unwavering determination and strategic foresight that Senator Aquilla sought to shield his daughter from the perilous machinations that plagued Nova Roma. Years later his daughter returned with he friends the New Mutants. They learned of her disguise, but then both Amara and the New Mutants were captured by soldiers of Nova Roma and imprisoned. Now held prisoner by Selene, Amara was to be sacrificed. Selene used her mutant powers to drain Amara's life energy into her own body. The New Mutant, Mirage, attacked Selene. This distraction caused Selene to release Amara from her control, but Selene knocked Amara into a pit of lava. Somehow, rather than harming Amara, her immersion in the lava awakened her latent mutant powers. Together, Amara, with her new-found powers, and the New Mutants defeated Selene and helped thwart Senator Gallio's attempt to kill Senator Aquilla and seize power. Lucius instructed his daughter to go to the US with the New Mutants and there learn about modern civilization.[3]

Destruction of Nova Roma[]

The Senator called his daughter and her friends Boom-Boom, and Armor to come to Nova Roma to rescue some Brazilian mutants who were seeking asylum. These mutants were unable to reach Krakoa because a pack of three mysterious, mutant-hunting monsters were guarding the teleportation gates to Krakoa.[4] A scientist named Doctor Barrington orchestrated an assault on Nova Roma, unleashing a swarm of monstrous entities seeking retribution for their fallen kin. The assault left Senator Aquilla alive, subjected to excruciating torment as a creature was implanted within him, feeding off his pain until he divulged information about the mutants responsible for her "babies'" demise. Tragically, the once-thriving population of roughly 50,000 within Nova Roma has been decimated, leaving streets strewn with lifeless bodies. Despite Senator Aquilla's grim assertion and the mother of the monstrous assailants concurring that the kingdom has fallen, a glimmer of hope remains as a possibility of survivors escaping into the dense jungle exists.[4]

See Also

Links and References


  1. ↑ New mutants vol 1 9
  2. ↑ New Mutants vol 1 9
  3. ↑ New Mutants vol 1 9 12
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 New Mutants (Vol. 4) #12