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Marvel Database


Lightforce from Cloak and Dagger Vol 1 1 0001

Lightforce is the name given to a force of energy that is the counterpart to the Darkforce, its opposite in every way.[1] While the Darkforce is corruptive, Lightforce energy is cleansing, being derived from the life-force of people's inner light,[2] and capable of purging toxins, drugs, and other malignant substances, as well as curing diseases, mental instability, criminal inhibitions,[3] vampirism,[4] and even revive those who are on the bring of death.[5] It can also be used offensively, as seen with Tandy Bowen's signature light daggers.

Overuse of Lightforce-related healing powers weakens the user, potentially leaving them vulnerable to attack. Lightforce users are also vulnerable to Darkforce energy, which can disable them.[6] Darkforce users can also feed off Lightforce energy, as seen with the symbiotic relationship between Cloak and Dagger.

Lightforce users affected by Mister Negative's corruptive touch - derived from the Darkforce - will become Darkforce users themselves, and vice versa.[7]

Known Users of Lightforce

Alternate Realities


The White Cloak appeared to possess Lightforce powers.[10]

Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999)

Roxxon discovered a mixture of Lightforce and Darkforce beneath New Orleans and build an oil rig and a vast pipe network to harness it. However, one day the oil rig exploded, emitting a shock wave that gave Tandy Bowen, Brigid O'Reilly and Andre Deschaine their powers.[11][12]


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