Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 Look at you. Out of style, out of date, out of touch...and clearly not a priority for the company. Whereas I'm a fresh, new number one. A top seller pushed by a global hand. Go back to Asgard, your majesty. Sit on your throne, and make your proclamations. Grow fat in your retirement. Quote2


Keep (Earth-616) from Mighty Thor Vol 2 16 001

True form

Keep was created by the Enchantress out of Donald Blake's decapitated body.[3] He journeyed with the Enchantress and Blake's head through Hel, where they found the realm taken over by the Mares, with Hela trapped in slumber at their hands. The Keep awoke Hela and the Enchantress obtained her permission to travel out of Hel into Asgard.[4] Arriving in Asgard, which was similarly asleep because of the influence of the Mares, they entered the throne room where they were confronted by Thor. The Keep battled Thor and eventually lost. He and the Enchantress were thrown out of Asgard after their defeat.[5]

When Odin placed Thor on trial with the threat of exile, he enlisted the Enchantress to act as the prosecution. The Keep accompanied her.[6]

Roxxon's Thor[]

After Enchantress' lover the Executioner returned to life, she didn't have any use for Keep anymore, forcing her to give him a new purpose. That came when the three of them joined Roxxon which had just acquired the entertainment rights of Thor. Commercializing the God of Thunder, Keep was transformed into a modernized copy of Thor with his own replica of Mjolnir, serving as Roxxon's mascot with a comic book line and other merchandise.[1]

Keep was soon brought to battle the original Thor, when the latter broke inside Roxxon to confront CEO Dario Agger over his company polluting the Earth. Having his mind affected by the Enchantress' story magic, Thor found it difficult to fight Keep, being unable to concentrate. As Keep kept delivering blows to the Thunder God, Thor decided to forgo his thinking and focus on his feeling, becoming enraged and turning the tide of the battle. Thor destroyed Keep's Mjolnir before electrocuting the false Thor to death. This event was witnessed by the public, who livestreamed all of it on YouRoxx, making it seem that the original Thor had killed a beloved icon in cold blood. Thor attempted to assure them that he hadn't actually killed Keep as he was immortal, but, to his dismay, the false Thor didn't get up, tarnishing Thor's reputation.[2]





Mjolnir Premium: A technological device created by Roxxon that besides replicating Mjolnir could connect to the internet and other Roxxon products.[1]


Thor-Truck: A technological truck that Keep could drive around through the use of Mjolnir Premium.[1]


See Also

Links and References

