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Quote1 I think you are Colonel Ben Grimm, the idol of millions, one of the greatest heroes in the galaxy. And as you once told me, we should be proud of who we are. Quote2

Jo-Ven is a Kree child soldier adopted by Alicia and Ben Grimm of the Fantastic Four.


Jo-Venn (Earth-616) and Supreme Intelligence (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 6 21 001

Jo-Venn was a Kree child soldier. He was the chosen one of many babies gestated by the Supreme Intelligence as part of a process that imbued him with the chronicles of Kree Warriors across the Kree-Skrull War and a deep hate for the Skrulls. On the other side of the war, a Skrull child named N'Kalla had been subjected to a similar process.[5]

When the Kree colonel Kal-Torr and Skrull general J'Bahzz decided to have both children raised together and taught to fight one another, the Elder of the Universe known as the Profiteer brokered a deal to provide a neutral ground for that to happen. Jo-Venn and N'Kalla became an attraction at the Profiteer's Casino Cosmico, constantly fighting in a holographic arena that imitated scenarios from the Kree/Skrull War.[3] Each duel was to the death, with the loser only surviving due to a stasis field and medical attention between fights. The Profiteer refused to let the kids rest, and only cared for making a profit out of their constant dueling. This abuse worsened after the Kree/Skrull War ended with the formation of the Kree-Skrull Alliance, since the cease-fire destabilized the cosmic economy.[2]

Jo-Venn and N'Kalla's constant fighting came to an end when the Fantastic Four visited the Casino Cosmico. As soon as the team became aware that the combatants of the Profiteer's arena were children, The Thing and the Human Torch broke into the combat zone. Mister Fantastic used the arena's holograms to change the battlefield to a recreation of Black Bolt of Medusa's wedding, plunging Jo-Venn and N'Kalla into a reenactment of an instance of a Kree/Skrull alliance, with The Thing and the Human Torch throwing the fight, giving the kids a taste of truce. In the meantime, the Invisible Woman helped her children Franklin and Valeria cheat to break the bank at the casino's tables. The Fantastic Four agreed to sign everything back in exchange for Jo-Venn and N'Kalla, much to the Profiteer's chagrin.[2]

The Fantastic Four's return to Earth was interrupted when they encountered the fleet of the Alliance approaching the planet. Franklin and Valeria were tasked with escorting Jo-Venn and N'Kalla back to Earth.[6] Their arrival caught the attention of the Dark Harvest, a secret sect of assassin priests at the service of the Cotati, an alien race enemy of Kree and Skrull enemies at war with the Alliance. Despite Valeria and Franklin having requested the help of Spider-Man and Wolverine, the Dark Harvest managed to kidnap Jo-Venn, from whom Master Forest obtained knowledge of the Kree telepathic weapon called the Omni-Wave Projector.[7] After building the Omni-Wave Projector and also getting their hands on N'Kalla, the Dark Harvest used it on the two children to beam dark memories of the Kree/Skrull War into the minds of every Alliance troop, stirring their buried enmity and putting their coalition at risk. When they tracked down Jo-Venn and N'Kalla, Franklin and Valeria managed to convince them to focus on the bond their shared at the arena: that each of them was the only other person going through the same experience, as well as the fact that they had managed to work together. This caused the Omni-Wave Projector's beam to change into one that strengthened the bonds between the Kree and the Skrull, including the bond between Jo-Venn and N'Kalla.[8]

Following the defeat of the Cotati, Jo-Venn and N'Kalla were present at the gathering between the victors in the Blue Area of the Moon, where they met Emperor Hulkling, emperor of the Alliance. The Profiteer was invited to the gathering to identify the origin of the Cotati's arsenal due to her expertise in weapons, and she attempted to reclaim Jo-Venn and N'Kalla. Hulkling voided the contract that gave her power over them and placed the two children under the care of The Thing and his wife Alicia Masters by royal decree.[3]

Along with the rest of the Fantastic Four's children and the Baxter Building, Reed Richards sent Jo-Venn exactly one year into the future in a desperate ploy to defeat invaders from the Negative Zone, whose forces were sent six months into the past on the opposite side of the sun.[9]



Kree Physiology:

  • Superhumanoid Durability: The Kree are very durable, while not bulletproof they are still fully capable of effortlessly shrugging off hits from beings as powerful as Captain America and are presumed to be capable of surviving much stronger hits.
  • Superhumanoid Endurance: A Kree warrior has twice the endurance of a human with similar training.
  • Superhumanoid Stamina: A Kree warrior has twice the stamina of a human with similar training.
  • Superhumanoid Strength: A Kree warrior has twice the strength of a human of a similar age, height, and build.[4]
Living Chronicle: During his gestation, Jo-Venn was imbued with chronicles of Kree warriors during the Kree/Skrull War.[5]


Master Combatant: Jo-Venn has been trained since childhood to be a fighter, and can use anything to fight.[2]





  • Jo-Venn's name appears to be a pun on the Spanish word "joven" which means "young."
  • Jo-Venn shares his last name with fellow Kree Ra-Venn. It is unknown if this was intentional, suggesting a possible relation, or simply a coincidence.

See Also

Links and References

