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Marvel Database

The Infinaut, also known as the Macronaut,[1] is a macro-dimensional being[3] and a macro-spatial explorer.[4] Although he is benign in nature, his sheer size (relative to the Earth dimension) makes him a threat to the planet. This was eventually remedied with Pym Particles.[2]


Previous Manifestations[]

The Infinaut is the name given by Dr. Adam Brashear to a mysterious being who had tried to access his plane of reality several times. Due to the localized ripples and ruptures in space which signal his eventual arrival, it has been possible to pinpoint the place where he would appear with roughly a warning of ten hours.

The Infinaut's second manifestation happened in 1998, in Machu Picchu, and it was interrupted by Adam Brashear together with his son Kevin using an anti-matter-powered rig. Were the Infinaut capable of materializing at full size, he would destroy the Earth. The Infinaut attempted to arrive to the Earth six other times in the following decades.[2]

Ninth Manifestation[]

At the time, Brashear was part of the Mighty Avengers, the Macronaut tried to land in Quezon City, but was repelled by the Triumph Division.[1] Years later, a vision from the Inhuman precog Ulysses Cain alerted Dr. Brashear of the Infinaut's imminent ninth manifestation eight days before it happened.

Infinaut (Earth-616) from Ultimates Vol 3 9 002

Greeting the people of Earth

With a week to prepare, Brashear and his response team known as the Ultimates built a Pym Particle accelerator. With the help of Giant-Man, when the Infinaut appeared, the Ultimates managed to anchor him and reduce his size to that of a human, allowing the Infinaut to enter this space without dire consequences for the Earth or himself. When the Infinaut managed to communicate with the Ultimates, he expressed his happiness for meeting them.[2]

Eternity War[]

Infinaut was recruited into the Eternity Watch by Galactus to save the multiversal personification of Eternity from his captor: the First Firmament, the first iteration of all that is.[5]



Interdimensional Teleportation: The Infinaut is capable of interdimensional travel.[2]

Vast Size: The Infinaut possesses incredible size to the point that he could potentially tear the Earth in half by just landing on it. He was later shrunk down to 6'6" by Giant-Man so he could visit Earth safely.[2]





  • The Blue Marvel has previously stopped the Infinaut half a dozen times by himself. With his track record, he was fully confident that he could stop or destroy the Infinaut. However, by the 9th attempt, he realized that the Infinaut is not a monster but simply an explorer who is trying to visit the planet.[2]

See Also

Links and References

