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Marvel Database


The Hunter was one of a few humans that the High Evolutionary allowed to live in the upper parts of New York City on Counter-Earth. He worked as a mercenary for both the Rebels and the High Evolutionary and was hired by the latter to hunt and capture Spider-Man. Upon breaking into his lair, Spider-Man discovered that the Hunter was using a toxic formula that, when mixed with certain animal pheromones, gave traits of that animal to the drinker, but also poisoned their bone marrow, damaged their liver, and cut their lifespan in half. The Hunter stated it was a necessary sacrifice for the power it bought. Spider-Man defeated him by trouncing him and turning his security system against him, stating that he now knew the Hunter's secret and if he came after the Rebels or him again, he would use this knowledge to beat him into the ground.[1]




  • The Hunter was voiced by Paul Dobson.

See Also

Links and References

