Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 The Hounds of Hell. Quote2


After acquiring Warlock, Director Devo hired Adrian Toomes to spreadhead the Hound Program. Using the Techno-Organic Virus from Warlock, Director Vulture began experimenting on Feral to reprogram her priorities and gain immortality.[1]

Once the Hounds were ready, Director Vulture unleashed Feral, Cloak, and Dagger to capture Mystique and Creepy Crawler. Although they were unsuccessful in capturing their targets, they were able to capture and recruit Animax, Fatale, and Reaper.[2][3]

The Hounds were later released to attack a Genoshan mutate, Chantal, to lure out Iceman as a distraction while Mister Clean infiltrated Ice Palace.[4]

With help from Silver Sable, Mystique, and Legion, Nightcrawler was able to infiltrate the Orchis' base beneath the Treehouse and freed Warlock. Once freed, Warlock purged all the Hounds and Vulture of the T.O. Virus.[5]



See Also

Links and References

