Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


Hope was a woman who lived in New Liberty, a place of peace and safety in a world rapidly descending into chaos. Little is known of Hope's early life, though from what little she would tell her husband, she did not have a usual childhood.[1]

One day, a stranger by the name of Nathan Summers arrived in New Liberty, with his adopted daughter. Initially, Hope couldn't stand the stranger, but it was love at first sight when it came to his young daughter. Hope would come around from time to time to check on the child, and offer Nathan unwanted advice. Soon enough, their relationship thawed and blossomed into a romance. While it would take Nathan a long time to trust Hope around the child, they eventually married and Hope moved in with Nathan and helped him raise the child.[2]

When insect men invaded New Liberty, Hope and her husband fled, with Nathan drawing the insect men to him as the other residents closed the force-field, protecting New Liberty behind them. They spent six months on the road, fleeing from the insect men and trying to survive in the wasteland remnants of the USA. After six months, they were ambushed by an armed gang while approaching a settlement. In the gunfight that followed, Hope was hit by stray bullets, and died in her husband's arms. In honor of his deceased wife, Nathan named his theretofore nameless child after her.[3]

See Also

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