Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 His thoughts grow clearer each time! The man's mental prowess is almost unbelievable! Quote2
—Fred Duncan[src]


Fred Duncan was an FBI agent who was tasked with heading the bureau's investigation into mutant activities.

Prior to his friendship with Charles Xavier or the establishment of the X-Men, he was seen talking to Wolverine telling him how they could stop Namor from using Bomb's ability when Logan tried to recruit Namor. Afterward, Logan and his crew were still wary if Fred could be trusted, being a federal agent tasked with looking for mutants as well.[2]

After an incident in Manhattan involving a man reputedly capable of firing beams of force from his eyes, Duncan was assigned to locate the individual responsible. Charles Xavier also became aware of the incident, and met with Fred Duncan. Fred allowed Xavier to pursue the matter on his own. Xavier ultimately found and rescued Scott Summers, and started his School for Gifted Youngsters shortly thereafter.[3]

After the X-Men became active, Fred Duncan became the team's FBI liaison. He alerted Xavier when the X-Men were needed by the government, as was the case when dealing with the threat of the Vanisher.[4] Later, it was Agent Duncan who brought the X-Men the news that the FBI had ordered the team to break up following the apparent death of Professor X.[5]

When mutant hysteria began running rampant and Project Wideawake was being developed, Fred Duncan was brought in because of his knowledge of mutant activities. When the government's computer records of the X-Men were wiped out, Duncan informed Henry Gyrich that the originals had long been shredded and claimed that his own memory was too unreliable to be used to rebuild the files. As Gyrich grew enraged, Duncan handed in his resignation.

Duncan later took up a career as a security consultant and began working on a novel that would expose the government's mishandling of the anti-mutant hysteria.[1]

Duncan died under unrevealed circumstances. His partner, Carl Denti, would inherit his caseload and gain access to the various alien technologies he and the X-Men had confiscated during his career, which he would use in his new identity as the X-Cutioner. Denti would describe his mission of hunting down dangerous mutants as 'avenging' Duncan's death - how literal this claim was is unclear.[6]


Power Grid[8]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Some Training:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Learned



  • Charles Xavier had given Duncan a Psionic Headband. The headband allowed Xavier to clearly transmit his thoughts directly to Duncan, and Duncan to transmit his thoughts to Xavier.[4]


  • The idea of the X-Men having an official government liaison was downplayed when the series moved in a more anti-mutant paranoia/hysteria direction.

See Also

Links and References

