Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

The Fantastix are a superhero team who briefly occupied Baxter Building alongside the Fantastic Four.


The Fantastix were a newly created team consisting of 2-D, Hope, Iceberg, and Ms. Fantastix who were formerly members of the team the Liberteens. They were able to obtain ownership of the Baxter Building to use as their headquarters, and they hired Brenda Bannicheck as their manager and publicist.

Their first mission consisted of stopping the Wrecking Crew from robbing Wilkinson's & Sons Jewelry. The team later learned that Brenda Bannicheck had actually staged the whole situation in order to get the team publicity, resulting in Bannicheck getting fired. Despite the return of the Fantastic Four, the Fantastix were allowed to remain the owners of the Baxter Building.[1]

The Fantastix saw little action during their subsequent career, mostly due to being stand-ins for the Fantastic Four with the Fantastic Four being around. When the powerful alien Cormorant scoured the Earth in search for a mysterious artifact, he unceremoniously destroyed the entirety of the Baxter Building to unearth Container Zero. When the Fantastic Four, Doctor Doom, and Victorious arrived to confront the Cormorant, the Fantastix joined the fight. After the destruction of Container Zero ended with the creation of the Forever Gate and the Cormorant left, Mister Fantastic decided to reclaim what was left of the Baxter Building so his team could guard the portal. Despite being offered to help carry this duty, the Fantastix decided to leave it all to the Fantastic Four.[2]



Matching uniforms


  • The Fantastix had an action figure line, but didn't pull enough revenue.[2]

See Also

Links and References

