Marvel Database

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Marvel Database
The designation "Earth-TRN454" used in this article is an unofficial Temporary Reality Number assigned by our wiki exclusively for internal archival purposes until an official designation is provided by Marvel.
(For more information on TRNs, go to this page).


Earth-TRN454 is a gender flipped universe based on Earth-12041, where all characters, historical figures and landmarks are the opposite gender to each other.

Females also appear to be the more dominant sex, as shown when Spider-Girl and She-Goblin didn't take Spider-Man seriously for being a male. Combined with the fact that Petra took her mother's surname, that means it's likely that most children take after their mother's surname.[1]



  • This universe is based off of Rule 63.
  • The premise of this universe, as a gender-flipped version of the Marvel Universe, is similar to an unsuccessful comic pitch by Ultimate Spider-Man co-executive producer Stephen Wacker alongside comic writer Kelly Sue DeConnick.[2]

See Also

Links and References

