Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


On a prehistoric Earth, the T-Rex Norrannosaurman and his lackeys pursued the weakling Pteranodon Pter Ptarker. Just as Norrannosaurman bit Ptarker, both were hit by a meteorite containing alien spiders. When they awoke, the two found that they switched bodies, which now also were clad in colorful costumes. Norrannosaurman once more attacked Ptarker for the theft of his body, but Ptarker fought off Norrannosaurman and his lackeys with his new Spider-Powers. Now powerful and confident, Ptarker swung away, but the tree branch broke and he fell down, crushing both Norrannosaurman and two innocent dinostanders. Horrified by the result of his recklessness, the Amazing Spider-Rex learned the power of responsibility.[1]



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