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Marvel Database


Earth-597 is a world where the Nazis won World War II. It is the home of the Lightning Force, the Earth-597 counterpart of Excalibur.

Lightning Force consists of team leader Hauptmann Englande, Fraulein, Nightcrawler, and Shadowcat. The team member's powers are similar to their Earth-616 counterparts, but they are somewhat perverted and twisted, emphasizing the negative and dark characteristics of each Excalibur member. In addition, Shadowcat appears to be a ghost and her phasing powers not only disrupt electronics, but human life as well.

Katherine Pryde (Earth-597) and Katherine Pryde (Earth-616) from Excalibur Vol 1 9 0001

Kitty Pryde meets her Earth-597 counterpart

Reichminister of Genetics Moira MacTaggert and her bodyguard Callisto were traveling to London by Reichsrail England when their train was accidentally abducted to Earth-616 dimension by Widget. Conversely, Moira MacTaggert and Callisto of Earth-616 shifted to Earth-597.

Lightning Force was sent to Earth-616 in order to rescue them and to take them back to the Fuhrer. They learned that Minister Taggert was being held prisoner in the London Tower and attempted a rescue. The British government summoned Excalibur. Both teams battled each other and finally Lightning Force could be subdued and put on trial.

The jury decided that Lightning Force could not be called to account for the deeds they committed in the Earth-616 dimension and that they should be sent back to their own dimension - despite heavy protests from Kitty Pryde who was still traumatized by her tormented Earth-597 counterpart.

When Lighting Force, Minister Taggert, Callisto and the Reichsrail train were taken to a portal into their own dimension, Moira MacTaggert - afraid of a military invasion - threw a grenade into the portal just after the exchanged Earth-616 versions of Moira MacTaggert, Callisto and the train staff stepped back into their own dimension. The portal collapsed, sending Excalibur off on the pan-reality jaunt known as the Cross-Time Caper.

Weird War III[]




See Also

Links and References

Excalibur #9

