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Marvel Database


By the late 37th to early 39th century of the 4935 reality, Apocalypse rose to power and ruled most of the world, killing anyone openly opposed to his regime. The only opposition was a quiet belief in the Twelve, mutants who battled Apocalypse in the modern era, by the Order of the Witnesses.[1]

Many people from other realities have visited this timeline, the most notable of whom were: Rachel Summers, who directly opposed Apocalypse and founded the Clan Askani (as well as inspiring the founding of the Clan Rebellion and Clan Chosen);[2] Tanya Trask, who traveled back to her native time to stop her father, Dr. Bolivar Trask, from creating the first Sentinels and attempted to destroy the Twelve by uploading their history into the Master Mold program;[1] Nathan Summers, the Clan Askani's "Askani'son", who defeated Apocalypse, founded the Clan Chosen, and returned to his native time to become Cable.[3][4]

After the death of Apocalypse, war erupted among various factions. In North America (the Nor-Am Pact region), a group of Apocalypse's followers formed the New Canaanites.[5][6] Among those in opposition to the High Lords of Canaan were Clan Chosen led by Cable (Nathan Summers) and the Mutant Liberation Army led by Stryfe.[7][8] The New Canaanites emerged victorious and consolidated control of the world on December 25 of 3086, upon their defeat of the last opposing force, the Mao-Sino Province Pact.[6]


See Also

Links and References

