Marvel Database

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Marvel Database
This page covers Spider-Punk's reality as depicted in the comics. For Spider-Punk's reality as depicted in the "Spider-Verse" films, see Earth-138B.

Quote1 Big business destroyed this world. Fascist government destroyed this world. Consumerism apathy. Quote2


When C.E.O. Ozzy Osborn of Oscorp became President of the United States of America, he created a regime that rooted out subversion and weakness. Oscorp created the Variable Engagement Neuro-sensitive Organic Mesh (or V.E.N.O.M.) to empower Ozzy's brutal police force known as the Thunderbolt Department.

Elsewhere, punk-rocker Hobie Brown developed spider-powers due to illegal chemical dumping. He was able to create the Spider Army and fought against Osborn, who eventually fell in battle with them.[1]


See Also

Links and References

