Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


The Death Stone was a fabricated Infinity Stone that Anwen Bakian created by using the Reality Stone. When Thanos confronted her to get the Reality Stone, Anwen used its power to create a copy of it that would kill the Mad Titan once used: the Death Stone. She subsequently gave the newly-created rock to Thanos and he put it in his Infinity Gauntlet, unaware that it was not the real Reality Stone. The Death Stone started to burn Thanos with a black fire that consumed both until there was nothing left but ashes.[1]

Alternate Reality Versions

Thanos (Earth-517) and the Black Order (Earth-517) from Marvel Contest of Champions 001


The Death Stone was a black-colored Infinity Stone native to the Battlerealm. It housed the Death Realm, a "dead and powerless" mirror of the Battlerealm and all of its pocket dimensions.[2][3]

When Hela rescued Thanos from the nightmare he was imprisoned into by Black Panther,[4] she gifted him the Death Stone and instructed him how to use it.[2] When he used the Death Stone, many Nameless clones of the Battlerealm's heroes were created.[5] Using a clone of Guillotine to plant false intel, he manipulated the Summoner and the Illuminati into trapping themselves in the Death Realm, allowing his Deathless to gather the scattered Infinity Stones for him unopposed.[2]

To help the Summoner kill Thanos wielding the completed Infinity Gauntlet, Doctor Strange sacrificed his connection to the Astral Plane to nullify half of Thanos' Infinity Stones, including the Death Stone.[6]


After Death rejected Thanos, the Mad Titan used his powers to subdue her before proceeding to encapsulate the embodiment of Death within a stone. Despite this, death would still persist as long as the stone was intact.[7]

The Death Stone later landed in a cemetery that Nighthawk was visiting as he witnessed it reviving Phil Coulson.[8]


  • Bor once created the Black Infinity Stone which was later transformed into the Asgardian goddess of death Hela.[9]

See Also

Links and References

