Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 You listen to this podcast because I'm running it. You're not looking for someone more buttoned-up, professional, older, with, like, eighteen million credentials. You want to hear from and talk to me about what's happening in our city. So, I won't be changing how I do things. No trying to class up the pod, no ads, no blazers. It's just me and you. And, y'know what? I think that's perfect. Quote2
—Danika Hart[src]


Danika Hart immigrated to the United States of America, from Fuzhou, China, at the age of six. Later, she decided to create the podcast The Danikast. She agreed to debate with the host of Just the Facts, J. Jonah Jameson, in which the latter became emotional and left abruptly. Afterwards, The Danikast became the third highest listened podcast of New York City. She would even later become an ally of Spider-Man, taking down the remnants of The Underground.[1]


  • Danika endorsed Rio Morales for city council.[1]
  • J. Jonah Jameson considered Danika a "Spider-Man stan," believing her to be a big fan of the Web-Heads.[1]
  • Danika had social network account named DanikastPod.[1]
  • She is either eighteen or nineteen, being a teenager that took, and passed, the citizenship test.[1]

See Also

Links and References

