Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


Daedalus 5 was located on the Kree System periphery.[1] It was the base of a large holdout of rebels against the Annihilation Wave. Eventually, the base was discovered and attacked by the Annihilation Wave, which led to a massive battle on the surface. However, after the battle waned on for hours, Annihilus decided that this was a waste of time and used a death ray powered by the power cosmic energy of Galactus to raze the entire planet.[2]

Many years later, when the Guardians of the Galaxy prepared to confront the rogue Olympians who were coming after Star-Lord, they decided to face the gods as far as possible from sentient life. They chose Deadlus 5 as the battleground as a result, since it was barren of life.[3]

See Also

Links and References

