Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


20th Century[]

In 1946, Central City was where crooked accountant Ernest Pecker attempted to coerce businessmen to invest in phony investments. In the end he was exposed by the Human Torch and Toro.[1]

Modern Age[]

Central City, California, was the original home of the Fantastic Four. It was from the nearby rocket base that Reed Richards and the others blasted off on their fateful trip into space. This was also the place where the Fantastic Four made their debut as a superhero team when the Mole Man sent his monsters to attack the surface.[2]

It would also later be the 'birthplace' of Aaron Stack (Machine Man),[3] and somewhere he would often return to and live at times.


Harvey Jessup, fearing nuclear war, created a dome around the city in hopes of slowing the flow of time within so that the citizens would re-emerge ten thousand years into the future. Instead, the inverse of this occurred, and ten thousand years passed within the dome over the course of two days on the outside. During that time, Jessup, by then known as the Great Coordinator, created a three-pronged defense force for his city, that would later become known as the Exiles. He also positioned those who lived in the city to worship the Fantastic Four as gods. This group protected Central City from any invaders until the Fantastic Four returned, freeing the original inhabitants from suspended animation and sending their city and the Exiles into the far future.[4]

Alternate Realities[]


When Franklin Richards used his vast psionic powers to create a duplicate "pocket" universe in another dimension to save his family, he included a duplicate Central City. This Central City would host Project Excelsior, the experimental quantum drive space craft that would launch the "reborn" Fantastic Four into space once again, duplicating their origin.[5]

Points of Interest

Central City International Airport

Richards Family Estate[6]



  • Central City is in approximately the same location as Stockton, California in Earth-1218.[7]
  • The DC Universe is also home to a location known as Central City (albeit, usually situated in the Midwest). It is home to the hero The Flash, A.K.A. Barry Allen. Yet another Central City was the home of Denny Colt, the Spirit, from Quality Comics.

See Also

Links and References

