Marvel Database

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Marvel Database
Characters with (or items that grants their wielders) the power to temporarily block or permanently remove superpowers of others
For wielders of power to remove superpowers of others, by absorbing them, see Category:Power Absorption
Power Absorption · Power Absorption Immunity · Power Amplification · Power Bestowal · Power Manifestation · Power Manipulation · Power Mimicry · Power Negation · Power Sensing
Also includes characters with the power to deflect, reflect or become otherwise immune to the powers of others. (Those beings are named Inhibitors,[1] Nullifiers,[2] Power Leeches[3])

Does not include genetic immunities between family members, like Cyclops trying to blast Havok, or opposing negation, like Iceman trying to make an object freeze while Human Torch tries to make it burn.

All items (130)
