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List of all notable quotes by or about Bruce Banner (Earth-616).
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Quote1 I don't want you with me! I don't need you! I don't need anybody! With my strength -- my power -- the world is mine! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 1
Quote1 They will hound me no longer! For now the Hulk will fight back! ... on my own terms! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 2
Quote1 Let her fear me! Let 'em all fear me! Maybe they got good reason to! 'Cause they're only humans -- but I'm -- the Hulk! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 5
Quote1 I'll tear the city apart, brick by brick if I have to, to find the Avengers!! And now ... there's nothing that can stop me!! Quote2
—Fantastic Four Vol 1 25
Quote1 I never suspected how much each of you hate me, deep down! I could tell by the way you fought me... by the remarks you made! Quote2
—Marvel Super-Heroes King-Size Special Vol 1 1
Quote1 Who would ever have dreamt --only a few short years ago-- that the world-famous atomic expert, Dr. Bruce Banner would be the object of the greatest man hunt of all! Quote2
—Tales to Astonish Vol 1 92
Quote1 Hulk only fights those that threaten him! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 103
Quote1 Whole World is Against Me! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 108
Quote1 What nameless nightmare have I awakened to now?? Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 110
Quote1 Hulk can do anything! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 117
Quote1 So -- Fish-man tries to show how strong he is--! But nobody is as strong as Hulk! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 118
Quote1 Now tell me I'm no different! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 119
Quote1 Hulk wants to do... the right thing! But, no matter who wins... Hulk can only lose!! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 120
Quote1 Maybe here... in the place called Florida... Hulk can find the quiet he wants! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 121
Quote1 You are strong, Thing! But not as strong as the Hulk! Nothing is as strong as the Hulk! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 122
Quote1 You cannot be my friend... Nobody's friend! You are a robot! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 127
Quote1 Why does head always hurt ... when Hulk tries to think? Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 129
Quote1 It'll be worth dying, Betty -- if that'll rid this planet forever of the Hulk. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 131
Quote1 Hulk is going now! Don't try to follow! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 134
Quote1 By the way, you're wanted in surgery... as a patient...! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 140
Quote1 This time Thing won't escape me! This time Thing must die! Quote2
—Fantastic Four Vol 1 111
Quote1 This Statue is Hulk's now - Hulk like it -- Hulk will keep it! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 142
Quote1 Why is everything Hulk does ... wrong? Hulk tries to do good things. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 145
Quote1 Hulk does not like to hit women -- but maybe he changes him mind ... this time! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 146
Quote1 Hulk is alone. More alone than ever. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 148
Quote1 With Frank Sinatra retired and me on the inactive list, I'm afraid the Jet Set's had it. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 149
Quote1 Don't threaten, Don't make me angry! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 151
Quote1 Fish-Man is hurt -- and Hulk cannot help him. Hulk hates to say it -- But Hulk needs you. Quote2
—Defenders Vol 1 1
Quote1 Hulk has no friends! Not in this world! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 157
Quote1 Hulk does not smash ... children. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 158
Quote1 Yes, Hulk was Avenger once... Didn't like it! Quote2
—Defenders Vol 1 10
Quote1 Hah! When Hulk smashes something, It stays smashed! Quote2
—Defenders Vol 1 16
Quote1 Hulk doesn't understand. First little man fights Hulk... and now he fights Hulk's enemy? But if Hulk's enemy is little man's enemy... then little man is Hulk's friend! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 181
Quote1 Take -- Your -- Hand -- Off --Hulk -- Magican! Quote2
—Defenders Vol 1 17
Quote1 I'm changing .. but I musn't change - I musn't -- Yes, I must! HULK MUST LIVE - -  Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 183
Quote1 Doesn't anyone give a damn about Bruce Banner anymore? Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 185
Quote1 Why do you attack Hulk? Hulk does not want to fight you. Hulk does not even know you! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 186
Quote1 Hulk has never felt pain like this before. Hulk can't raise arms to smash. Unless flames go away--Hulk will die! Quote2
—Ghost Rider Vol 2 11
Quote1 Smashing is what Hulk does best! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 188
Quote1 Katrina must not see Hulk! Hulk is big ... ugly! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 189
Quote1 Hulk knows what to do ... SMASH STUPID BADOON! Take Hulk to them and Hulk will.. Quote2
—Giant-Size Defenders Vol 1 5
Quote1 Ummm - Hulk likes beans -- Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 190
Quote1 Bah, Hulk does not want stupid fish to eat! Hulk wants good food ... like beans! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 192
Quote1 To beat Hulk, you must be stronger than Hulk -- And NO ONE is STRONGER THAN HULK! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 197
Quote1 Magician and Girl talk too much --- Mix up Hulk's head too! Quote2
—Defenders Vol 1 34
Quote1 Well, for manifested phantoms, Samson -- they pack one heck of a punch! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 200
Quote1 Hulk only wants to be left alone! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 201
Quote1 Is Smoke-thing afraid of Hulk's little wind? Quote2
—Hulk Annual Vol 1 5
Quote1 Always it's just the same! Stupid humans hurt Hulk's friends and Hulk must fight! Quote2
—Defenders Vol 1 41
Quote1 Look, I'm warning you for your own sakes, don't make me mad -- Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 205
Quote1 Wherever Hulk goes, People are afraid of Hulk! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 206
Quote1 Hulk is the strongest one there is! Quote2
—Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 53
Quote1 Bug-Eyes is Hulk's friend. Hulk knows that. Hulk will help Bug Eyes and Goat-Face. Quote2
—Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 54
Quote1 Hulk knew that magician would get into trouble. Hulk always knows and no one ever listens. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Annual Vol 1 6
Quote1 Can't -- let myself become -- The Hulk --For if I do -- The Defenders are dead for sure! But I -- I Don't know how long -- I can Hold Out! Quote2
—Defenders Vol 1 56
Quote1 Hulk is not Human, little men! Hulk is Hulk!! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 222
Quote1 Huh? Is Sword-Girl -- with Cape-Man! Cape-Man is one who sent Hulk here-- and now Cape-Man steals Hulk's friend! ... Hulk will not let Cape-Man steal friends from Hulk. Quote2
—Defenders Vol 1 59
Quote1 Where is your power now, Leader? Tell Hulk again how you will defeat him -- so Hulk will have a chance to laugh! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 225
Quote1 What is this?! First, robot smashes Hulk's friend -- then, robot tries to smash Hulk! And now -- Hulk is wet again! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Annual Vol 1 7
Quote1 Room is too small... and bed is too soft! Makes Hulk nervous! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 228
Quote1 That's it -- run! Run from the Hulk -- now that you've smashed all of Hulk's corn. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 230
Quote1 Law cannot make Hulk leave! Hulk will smash stupid Law! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 231
Quote1 Because you thought you were stronger than the Hulk? Well, you were wrong...wrong! No one is stronger than the Hulk! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Annual Vol 1 8
Quote1 Y-You've got to help me! Stop me! Or... kill... me... Quote2
—Iron Man Vol 1 131
Quote1 What do you want little man? Quote2
—Daredevil Vol 1 163
Quote1 Then I haven't beaten my curse after all. Quote2
—Iron Man Vol 1 132
Quote1 Even his moment with Jarella you would steal from the Hulk, spaceman? Even that?? Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 246
Quote1 I'm myself again! But I'm not cured! I can feel the gamma rays like a turbulence at the center of my soul! I'm still the Hulk! Still a monster! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 250
Quote1 Bah! Words can't stop Hulk, little man--and robots can't stop him! Hulk is the strongest one there is! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Annual Vol 1 9
Quote1 All puny humans are Hulk's enemies, and Hulk will smash them all! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 253
Quote1 The danger's past! The Uni-Power's gone, now! Leaving me, once again, a man cursed by fate to become... ...the Incredible Hulk! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Annual Vol 1 10
Quote1 Wherever I go, I'm always hunted, by someone determined to capture or kill the Hulk! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 264
Quote1 Hulk has no friends! Not in this world! Quote2
—Marvel Super-Heroes Vol 1 105
Quote1 I remember the horror of Zzax's hunger! When he sits down to supper, there's nothing left of the human beings on which he feeds! So Zzzax must not feed! This time the Living Dynamo goes hungry! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 285
Quote1 All right, so I'm not the wisecracking super-type, like Spider-Man! Gamma rays gave me muscles, not a sense of humor! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Annual Vol 1 12
Quote1 Let... Kate... go... Boomerang -- or... I'm... going... to... have... your... head! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 294
Quote1 But obviously, someone's using my machines, my research without my authorization! Someone's using an untested, incredibly dangerous experimental technique -- to play God! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 295
Quote1 Spaceman would cure Hulk? Spaceman would take away Hulk's power and make Hulk weak? Bah! Spaceman will do nothing... but die! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 296
Quote1 Strange was Hulk's friend once! If Hulk needs help, Strange will help Hulk -- or Hulk will smash! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 297
Quote1 ... You won't like me when I'm angry! Quote2
—Fantastic Four Vol 1 268
Quote1 Man said Hulk 'looks dumb,' but men act dumb. Maybe Hulk acts dumb, too, sometimes. Hulk always thinks all humans bad -- thinks everything humans do is bad. But humans a lot like Hulk -- sometimes hurt -- sometimes help. Quote2
—Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 17
Quote1 Friend said he would watch over Hulk! Friend is not here! Then friend must already be... dead! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 308
Quote1 Hulk wants to go... home! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 309
Quote1 Men will not harm woman! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 310
Quote1 I can't believe this nightmare is still going on! I thought it was over... I thought I was dead! But I'm not... I'm here, wherever here is--still alive... still half man, half Hulk! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 312
Quote1 What has done this to Hulk? Hulk wants to know! Hulk wants to KNOW! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 313
Quote1 All right, stupid monsters. Come and fight Hulk if that is what you want. Hulk is ready. Hulk is always ready! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Annual Vol 1 14
Quote1 Y'know, I never liked you! You were Banner's friend--not mine! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 332
Quote1 Scared is for humans! I'm the Hulk! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 342
Quote1 I hate fighting stupid robots! You don't scream or bleed or nothing! It's no fun! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 343
Quote1 I'll KILL you! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 345
Quote1 You never could take me, Grimm. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 350
Quote1 I take a vacation and everything hits the fan. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 353
Quote1 Woo. A dozen tough guys. Doesn't look good for me, does it? Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 354
Quote1 I'm gonna see you join your buddies in robot heaven. Quote2
—Iron Man Vol 1 247
Quote1 Yeah. You better watch it, babe--or I'll bleed on you. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 366
Quote1 Your strength--is nothin'! My breath is stronger than you! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 368
Quote1 Who do you think you are, Banner? You're just like me, only the other direction. You don't feel you're passionless. Got no fire in your eyes. I'm more alive than you'll ever be. I hunger for life. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Annual Vol 1 16
Quote1 Please... Don't let this happen... Please ... Give me a shred of happiness... Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 372
Quote1 Yeah...what do you do for an encore? Quote2
—Marvel Comics Presents Vol 1 58
Quote1 You're such a jerk, Samson. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 373
Quote1 This is your brains. This is my fist. This will be your brains on my fist. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 374
Quote1 Honey, I'm home. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 377
Quote1 Look at them all... walking around with their heads hung. Ashamed to even look at each other. Disgusting. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 385
Quote1 I think you should know that I find the prospect of littering the landscape with you very distasteful. You're just grunts, after all. So believe my sincerity when I say to you...let us reason together. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 390
Quote1 We interrupt this program to bring you a special bulletin. Farnoq Dahn, two-bit petty tyrant of Trans-Sabal, brought before his people and made to answer for his crimes. Film at eleven. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 392
Quote1 Good day, gentlemen. You'll be pleased to know... the doctor is in. Quote2
—Hulk: Future Imperfect Vol 1 1
Quote1 Now that Pee-Wee's not stinkin' the place up, we can concentrate on savin' our friends. Quote2
—Warlock and the Infinity Watch Vol 1 19
Quote1 Listen, lady! I'm the #$#* Hulk! And I'm not taking your @#+!, okay! It was a #*%*! accident! Got it?! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 409
Quote1 Let me guess... you're the good guy, right? And we just had us one of those good-guy-meets-good-guy-and-they-fight-on-their-first-meeting-then-team-up-against-the-bad-guys-encounter. Quote2
—Ghost Rider Vol 3 49
Quote1 Caught with my blasted purple pants down on this one! Quote2
—Over the Edge Vol 1 3
Quote1 You called me... Hulk? Hulk doesn't know where he comes from! Doesn't know where he's going! He only knows Hulk goes where he wants -- and anyone who gets in Hulk's way -- HULK SMASHES! Quote2
—Iron Man Vol 2 2
Quote1 Hulk is not sorry. Hulk is Hulk. Quote2
—Avengers Vol 2 4
Quote1 I warned you all t'leave me alone! But you just wouldn't LISTEN!!


—Silver Surfer Vol 3 125
Quote1 You were playing a blues riff on the harmonica, do you remember? That day on the atom bomb testing range, all those years ago. "That'll Be The Day That I Die". Ironic, considering. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 467
Quote1 Stupid, puny soldiers! Still you hunt Hulk! Try to capture Hulk! Don't you realize by now -- Hulk is the strongest one there is?! Quote2
—Rampaging Hulk Vol 2 1
Quote1 Crush Hulk -- ?! Nobody crushes Hulk! Quote2
—Rampaging Hulk Vol 2 2
Quote1 There's such a bond between them--so much love and affection. Exactly what I never shared with my own father. Quote2
—Rampaging Hulk Vol 2 4
Quote1 Does "Worship" mean smash? 'Cause Hulk has sure smashed Thor a few times... And he says he's a god. Quote2
—Rampaging Hulk Vol 2 6
Quote1 To think--there have been times, moments in the past few years when I've almost thought there might be a chance I could control the Hulk, harness that power for the good of all. Yet always, always the dream dies, the madness comes back. And each time, it seems worse than before. Quote2
—Hulk Vol 1 1
Quote1 You lunatic! All those people! In all these years, the Hulk has never killed anyone. Now... Quote2
—Hulk Vol 1 4
Quote1 Your own little garden of slaves and sycophants, eh, Candler? Don't you all understand? You're not human! You're artificial life candler created out of mutant plant tissue! Quote2
—Hulk Vol 1 6
Quote1 Recently--the Hulk has discovered his scheme--he's learned to assert his control--to fight back. If you kill me now-- --Tyrannus wins-- he'll move on to another victim--control someone else--please--you've got to help me--you must let me stop him! Quote2
—Hulk Vol 1 8
Quote1 He's scared. And he ain't the only one either.... Not with what you've let loose in here. We all are. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 12
Quote1 Here I am, you psycho! Come and get me! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 16
Quote1 You can't break a man who's already been broken. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 19
Quote1 Stupid-hair man zaps Hulk! Hulk does not like being zapped! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 26
Quote1 I keep seeing this green creature - a huge, great, muscled monstrosity that's just screaming and screaming with pain. I get the feeling... it's chasing after me, trying to kill me. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 27
Quote1 You're making me angry......and there's not much room in this air-craft... Put away the popgun, sonny...before it's too late... Quote2
—Hulk/Wolverine: 6 Hours Vol 1 1
Quote1 Tell Banner this: Hulk will destroy him! Quote2
—Hulk: Nightmerica Vol 1 1
Quote1 It wouldn't even matter if I did. I don't get to make those kinds of declarations any more. I can't be tempted to. I'd just be giving the monster something new to wreck. Quote2
—Hulk: Nightmerica Vol 1 2
Quote1 No, I think it will wait for me. This is what it's like to be on that drug Duke was peddling, isn't it, Stu? But stranger, more intense... Quote2
—Hulk: Nightmerica Vol 1 3
Quote1 Hulk not stupid! He remember girl! Girl just using Hulk! So... Hulk will... crush girl! Quote2
—Hulk: Nightmerica Vol 1 4
Quote1 When Hulk is out -- --Hulk will smash! Quote2
—Hulk: Gray Vol 1 2
Quote1 If I hung around I'd be putting you in danger. We both know that. So yeah, I should go. Quote2
—Hulk: Nightmerica Vol 1 5
Quote1 Dammit, Leonard, I've known this all along. I was just too much of a coward to admit it. Me. Ross. What's the difference?! Quote2
—Hulk: Gray Vol 1 6
Quote1 Girl is robot? Girl is freak? Hulk hates freaks! Quote2
—Hulk: Nightmerica Vol 1 6
Quote1 You just pushed past the envelope, carter face! To quote an old "pal" of's clobberin' time! Quote2
—Hulk & Thing: Hard Knocks Vol 1 1
Quote1 Face it, runt...not as sharp as you used t'be. Some' of us...on the other hand... are still...incredible. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 80
Quote1 Go on. Ask twice. I dare you. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 82
Quote1 Hulk believes golden man. Always for golden man... Hulk is strong and brave... ...strongest one there is... ...strong and brave... Quote2
—Sentry Vol 2 3
Quote1 I know exactly what I am. And if you have any brains at all, you'll shut the hell up and let me walk away... before I kill your whole stupid planet. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 97
Quote1 You tried to kill us with swords and spears. You tried to kill us with bombs. You tried to kill us with your stupid Spikes. But that just made us mad. So get ready, Red King. Now we're coming for you. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 99
Quote1 Stupid. That just makes me mad. And the madder I get...the stronger I get. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 102
Quote1 ...This fight is over. We are all Warbound now. Embrace your brothers. Or I'll kill you myself. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 103
Quote1 The people said I was the Sakaarson. Come to save them and unite them. But I was the World Breaker all along. I just didn't know you were too. Stupid humans, with your stupid shuttle. Can't you do anything right? I wanna die. I wanna burn into nothing. But with your bomb, you just made me stronger. The strongest one there is. The only one there is. Give-- them-- back! Give! Them! BACK! Give her back. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 105
Quote1 I didn't come here for a whisper. I wanna hear you scream. Quote2
—World War Hulk Vol 1 1
Quote1 So I'm asking you a question. If you'd been there, when they were debating whether to RUIN MY would you have voted? Quote2
—World War Hulk: X-Men Vol 1 1
Quote1 Her name was Caiera. And I hear her voice all the time Quote2
—World War Hulk Vol 1 3
Quote1 You consider this YOUR fault, Xavier. And my guess is, you should. You're already living in Hell. Quote2
—World War Hulk: X-Men Vol 1 3
Quote1 Remember this, puny humans. We came here for justice, not murder. So no one on your planet has died by our hands. And no one will. But we'll make sure no one on Earth will ever forget what you are. Liars. Traitors. And killers. Quote2
—World War Hulk Vol 1 5
Quote1 Red Hulk thinks Hulk is stupid. Red Hulk hurts everybody. Red Hulk likes to kill. Red Hulk is bad Hulk. GREEN HULK STOPS RED HULK HERE! There is only one HULK. And he is GREEN! Quote2
—Hulk Vol 2 6
Quote1 Why do you hate me so much? You sound like the Hulk in the past. Blaming Banner for keeping him 'locked away.' Is that who you are? Some other aspect of my personality? Like the Grey Hulk? Or is it worse than that? ARE YOU THE HULK'S HULK?! Quote2
—Hulk Vol 2 11
Quote1 'Live my life.' It's been so long, I don't even know who Bruce Banner is anymore. All I know is...I am not the Hulk. Quote2
—Hulk Vol 2 13
Quote1 You shot the Hulk into space. Exiled him to the other side of the universe. And within a year he was back here in gladiator armor smashing you all to pieces. If Tony were around, he'd tell you. The Hulk will return. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 601
Quote1 That's what you get for bringing knives to a Hulk fight, Wolverine. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 603
Quote1 Very soon, Skaar is going to kick you. When you regain consciousness, you'll be in the next state over -- and you'll have forgotten both how and where you found us. Is that understood? Quote2
—Wolverine: Origins Vol 1 41
Quote1 All right. Get ready, kid...the world wants to meet the new Hulk. Let's hope he's finally ready for the old one. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 605
Quote1 Hulk don't know why Hairy Lady hit Hulk with lightning... ...but Hulk don't like!!! Quote2
—Hulk: Let the Battle Begin Vol 1 1
Quote1 You already know. Lies. I've deceived all of you. Used all of you. My best friends...the heroes I most admire in the world...and my only son. Because if any of you knew all the different angles I'm'd never trust me again. But I've wrapped my brain around this a billion times...and this is the only way...the only possible chance I have to save the world...and my wife. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 608
Quote1 You've had it for a long time. Since the day we met. ... That moment that changed everything for both of us. The day the Hulk was born. You never stopped hating yourself for that, Rick. Even though you were just a kid who couldn't have known. ... The guilt is why you won't let yourself turn back into Rick Jones. But Rick -- even if I don't live through this, you've got to know. It's not your fault. I forgive you... It's not. Your. Fault. Quote2
—Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk Vol 1 3
Quote1 Think I expected anything different? We're all Hulks, now. You knew something was gonna get broken. Quote2
—Incredible Hulks Vol 1 612
Quote1 You want me to get into a shuttle. So you can shoot me into space. Quote2
—Incredible Hulks Vol 1 613
Quote1 No. If you go up there, he'll kill you. Or you'd be forced to kill him. And then I'd kill you. You're staying right here with the rest of the little people, Rogers. Quote2
—Incredible Hulks Vol 1 614
Quote1 That's when I realized what Jen brings to the table. What makes her an essential part of this family. She may be able to get by...even thrive in modern society. And she may be a clown, and a general pain in the butt. But when it comes down to it, Jen is a lawyer, a good lawyer. She looks for every angle, every truth, half-truth and lie before she makes a decision. While every other Hulk reacts first and thinks later, using blind anger as a guide... It's Jen who sees that not everything is black and white. Quote2
—Incredible Hulks Vol 1 616
Quote1 I tend to see transformations in terms of anger, but what drives Rick is guilt. He can't convice himself that isn't responsible for the Hulk. Even though I made the bomb. It's all on me. Now he runs towards every big threat, always recreating that day, solving it over and over. Is that healthy? I don't know that I'm qualified to say. I'm a physicist. All I know is he's going to do it whether I want him to or not...and it makes him happy. There's got to be room for a happy Hulk somewhere, right? Quote2
—Incredible Hulks Vol 1 618
Quote1 You and Amadeus defeated the Chaos King. Repaired the universe. Saved the lives of billions of mortals. And restored Olympus. ... But you forgot about the Hulks. ... Rick's horribly injured, he needs to be healed. Betty's insane, in her Red She-Hulk form, she's crazier than the Hulk. She needs to be cured. And Korg...and Skaar...just need to find a place where they can belong. I've tried, and I'll keep trying, using science or muscle or whatever I can. But I'm...I'm so tired. And you''re just brimming over with all this ridiculous magic. Fix it. Fix us. Quote2
—Incredible Hulks Vol 1 621
Quote1 Sorry for butting in...but when I get angry...I just can't control myself. Quote2
—Incredible Hulks Vol 1 626
Quote1 The name's Banner. Bruce Banner. Quote2
—Incredible Hulks Vol 1 627
Quote1 All right monkey... you love your father so much... you can be there to greet him in Hell! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 3 5
Quote1 Banner smash! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 3 6
Quote1 You hate being alone... well don't worry, old friend. You'll never be alone again Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1
Quote1 Punisher! Shoot me in the face! You gotta keep me angry! You wouldn't like me when I'm not angry! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 3 8
Quote1 Hippy peanut butter. Have to be mixed. Quote2
—Avengers Assemble Vol 2 9
Quote1 Instant karma-balancing. Hulk smashes. Banner builds. Quote2
—Indestructible Hulk Vol 1 2
Quote1 Hulk... Hulk... WORTHY! Quote2
—Indestructible Hulk Vol 1 6
Quote1 Something is coming your way-- something big. Quote2
—Avengers Vol 5 15
Quote1 Though it was nice to have a conversation with my LAWYER that I knew for a change wouldn't be MONITORED. The deal is THIS: S.H.I.E.L.D. provides me LAB RESOURCES, and they can use the HULK. But Daredevil--a.k.a. lawyer MATT MURDOCK--is my FAILSAFE. I have him on retainer because I've given him a SECRET DEPOSIT that's my INSURANCE. Hill knows that if S.H.I.E.L.D. CROSSES me Matt Murdock makes it PUBLIC--and turns this entire country UPSIDE DOWN in a cataclysm that will bring that U.S. government to its KNEES. So why do I have this feeling... that my day in court is coming SOON...? Quote2
—Indestructible Hulk Vol 1 10
Quote1 Ha! Sword beats stupid ray! Quote2
—Indestructible Hulk Vol 1 13
Quote1 Due respect, agent, but none of your behavioral scientists are ever going to understand the Hulk better than me. And the Hulk loves puppies. Quote2
—Indestructible Hulk Special Vol 1 1
Quote1 They all try to tell me that Betty was on site all along. When I explain that Zarrko's meddling in time temporarily ERASED her, they make clucking noises and act like I'm crazy. I'm not. Maybe because I was at the CENTER of that whole chronal maelstrom, I remember the events of the last few days in a way no one ELSE seems to. As far as DIRECTOR HILL is concerned, time's been RIGHTED. Restored to its PROPER FLOW. All the missing, time-displaced souls we set out to RESCUE are safe and SOUND. And me? I'm okay. The reigning theory is that when Hulk broke the time barrier on his own, the shock waves rewrote all the fast-building contradictions and paradoxes in his--MY--history. Everything's just as it WAS. Except it ISN'T. There's a dangling thread left hanging. I can feel it. It's like an ITCH in my BRAIN. Something about my past...some tiny detail... has CHANGED. But I can't zero IN on it. All I can do is pray that it wasn't especially SIGNIFICANT. Quote2
—Indestructible Hulk Vol 1 15
Quote1 This probably wasn't my smartest idea. I-I've doomed everyone in here. Quote2
—Marvel Knights: Hulk Vol 1 1
Quote1 Banner. I know what we are. I know what lies within us. I know what we once were. I know what we must become. Evolve Hulk or will die! Quote2
—Marvel Knights: Hulk Vol 1 2
Quote1 Poor Jessup was gone. In his place, a monster. I could feel for him. Quote2
—Indestructible Hulk Vol 1 18.INH
Quote1 Time and again, I see it play out BEFORE me. Someone-- --not ALWAYS me-- --loses his or her TEMPER in a split-second of FURY-- and makes the WRONG ENEMY. Quote2
—Indestructible Hulk Vol 1 19.INH
Quote1 That's the thing, what no one ever understands. It's never been me, it's never about control. It's simpler. Hulk is the strongest one there is. Quote2
—Marvel Knights: Hulk Vol 1 4
Quote1 I'm proud to say I've put S.H.I.E.L.D. resources to good use for the world. Which is surprising, as I managed to improve myself not at all. I keep swearing it's all about "Hulk destroys, Banner builds," but... But this last episode... Jessup becomes a monster because he broke quarantine to look for me because the Hulk escaped... Because the Avengers tried to disable my bomb because I built it hastily... Because I needed the credit. All those years on the run, I didn't grow up much. But I know I can do better than that. I will do better. From here on out, I leave the jealousy and the bitterness all behind me. Starting now. Quote2
—Indestructible Hulk Vol 1 20
Quote1 You did it, didn't you? You arrogant, elitist son of a bitch. I told all of you never to do it again... But you did it anyway. You re-formed the Illuminati, didn't you? Quote2
—Avengers Vol 5 28
Quote1 No. Hulk... Koff ...Hulk never give up. Never surrender. Quote2
—Hulk Vol 3 3
Quote1 Tony Stark. My "friend." You sabotaged the Gamma Bomb, Tony. You made me into the Hulk! Quote2
—Original Sin Vol 1 3.1
Quote1 âšžsigh⚟ Damn it, Rick, you were supposed to be the easy one... âšžsigh⚟ Guess it's time to smash. Quote2
—Hulk Vol 3 5
Quote1 You gave up on humanity-- The one thing you can never do! Quote2
—Hulk Annual Vol 2 1
Quote1 Ah, Tyrannosaurus Rex, the perennial Savage Land welcoming committee Quote2
—Hulk Vol 3 7
Quote1 STRRAAANNGE! Quote2
—Savage Hulk Vol 2 6
Quote1 I close my eyes and sleep. I dream for the first time since my Extremis rebirth. My mind reboots in R.E.M. sleep. In this dream I play the part that man has written for me. I am the Hulk. The strongest one there is. I get the last word in an old, long-runing argument... I say goodbye to some friends. Now there's nobody to tell me what to do. In my dreams, I am truly free. Quote2
—Hulk Vol 3 9
Quote1 My name is Bruce Banner, and I've been locked away by the Hulk. He's used every trick to hide me away. He had a smart teacher. But now, finally, I am free... Just in time to die. Quote2
—Hulk Vol 3 14
Quote1 Want to know why I'm going to win, Ross? Because... I am the alpha! I am the omega! I am the strongest one there is! I am the Hulk! Quote2
—Hulk Vol 3 15
Quote1 ...what have you done? Quote2
—Totally Awesome Hulk Vol 1 4
Quote1 I've been "cured" before. And the Hulk always found a way back. I have to keep focus. Stay in control. Slow my breathing. Lower my heart rate. Push down these boiling emotions... because no matter what those machines say, I can still feel him, just under the skin... or can I? Quote2
—Totally Awesome Hulk Vol 1 7
Quote1 When I was four, I saw my father kill my mother. And years later, I killed him. I didn't mean to. But I did it. I've got that kind of anger inside. That kind of capacity. But you... you have your own problems. And your Hulk's gonna have his own problems as a result. And you may not love everything you learn about yourself. But you're not a... you're not a monster. You're not me, Amadeus. You're not me. Quote2
—Totally Awesome Hulk Vol 1 8
Quote1 Okay... I'm a nuclear physicist, not a psychiatrist... but the way I see it, my sin has always been anger. That's how I react to trauma and isolation. But you're built a little differently. When bad things happen to you... you get angry or sad like everyone else... but for better or for worse, you draw your strength from something else altogether... pride. Quote2
—Totally Awesome Hulk Vol 1 12
Quote1 I thought... I thought you might actually have the secret. Might be able to show me a way out. But no. You've got a good heart. You just wanted to save everyone... including the sea beast. I know the feeling. But the Hulk's right. You let that thing inside you take the wheel... and you could kill your whole damn world. Quote2
—Generations: Banner Hulk & The Totally Awesome Hulk Vol 1 1
Quote1 Fine. Fine. You want my name? My name... is Robert Bruce Banner. Don't make me angry. Quote2
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 2
Quote1 Hnh. Not sorry enough. You wanted science. You wanted a set of rules. From me. Big mistake. See... science is the other guy. And when you mess with him... I take it personal. Quote2
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 8
Quote1 Get out here! Get out of my head and fight! Quote2
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 9
Quote1 Welcome to Hell. Quote2
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 10
Quote1 And now... knock, knock. Hnh. Who's there? Quote2
—Immortal Hulk: The Best Defense Vol 1 1
Quote1 I know you locked me away for years. I know I scare you. What I do. What I am. But before any of the others... I was there. Protecting you. I'll always protect you. ... 'cause I love you, you stupid kid. Somebody had to. Come on home. Quote2
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 13
Quote1 So, McGee. What the Hell are you doing here? Quote2
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 20
Quote1 Knock knock. Quote2
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 22
Quote1 Three votes to one. Two abstentions, if we're counting dormant alters. It's settled. You're with us now, Venom. Welcome to the family. Quote2
—Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk Vol 1 1
Quote1 Hmh. So it's a trap. Quote2
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 29
Quote1 Banner is my family. I'd do anything for him. But I can't be with him. I'm glad you were. You're a good man, Peter Parker. I'll try to remember that next time we meet. Quote2
—Immortal Hulk: Great Power Vol 1 1
Quote1 What the Hell is a Hulk? Quote2
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 31
Quote1 Hulk hurt always! Always and always! Hulk always hurts Hulk's friends-- Quote2
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 36
Quote1 You hurt Banner, Sterns. And when you hurt Banner... I take that real personal. Quote2
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 38
Quote1 Something's eating me. I think... ...I think it killed the Hulk. Quote2
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 39
Quote1 You know who you're messin' with? I'm the Hulk, you hear me? The Hulk! The worst Hulk of 'em all! I'm sunshine Joe Fixit--
The Incredible Hulk!
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 45
Quote1 If you can hear this message, then I am already gone. I am broadcasting this not to explain myself... but as a warning. I'm leaving. Not because I hate you. Not because I'm scared of you. I'm leaving because none of you will know how to deal with what I'm going to become. You all have your little plans. Your armored suits, your rocket ships-- All of your clever ideas on how to deal with my monster should his actions not prove to be in your best interests. But... you aren't dealing with him anymore. You are dealing with me. And I promise... you have no plan... for me. Because I am not controlled by my rage anymore. I am fueled by it. Quote2
—Hulk Vol 5 1
Quote1 But... ...We never lose. Quote2
—Hulk Vol 5 2
Quote1 I wanted to be so much more than this. I wanted to... push the boundaries. Explore the unknowable. I wanted to discover. Invent. Create. Instead... on this world and every world that has ever known the name Bruce Banner... the story is always the same. Like this alternate me-- the Banner of this world-- once said... I am become death. Again, and again, and again... the destroyer of worlds. And to think... I used to blame it on the bomb. I had hoped... hoped to find some solance in a world far away from the one I had broken. Far away from the people I had hurt. Who hurt me. Who loved me. Who feared. Who needed me. But no. There is no rest in the wild. No harbor to shelter me from the storm inside my mind. No land that I can tread upon that would not name me ruin. No world I'm not a monster. Quote2
—Hulk Vol 5 5
Quote1 ...Why can't the Hulk have a Hulk? Quote2
—Hulk Vol 5 6
Quote1 Godball, meet baseball. Quote2
—Hulk Vol 5 11
Quote1 He's here! Titan is here! IT'S TOO LATE! Quote2
—Hulk Vol 5 12
Quote1 Hulk... Hulk, what are you doing? Where are you? Why are you destroying everything? And what are you dressed in? A suit? Quote2
—Joe Fixit Vol 1 3
Quote1 No! Hulk won't be caged! Hulk free! Quote2
—Hulk Vol 5 14
Quote1 Kiss me and I'll rip yer head clean off. Quote2
—Joe Fixit Vol 1 5
Quote1 Did you get the shot? Quote2
—Hulk Annual Vol 3 1
Quote1 This whole town's a... movie set? Quote2
—Hulk: Blood Hunt Vol 1 1
Quote1 The angrier I get the stronger I get! I'm the strongest one there is! Hulk Smash! Quote2
—Bruce Banner (Earth-616)
Quote1 With Frank Sinatra retired and me on the inactive list, I'm afraid the Jet Set's had it. Quote2
—Francis Sinatra (Earth-616)
Quote1 You are stupid, Talbot… for you have made the Hulk mad! Quote2
—Glenn Talbot (Earth-616)
Quote1 Hulk is Hulk -- not Wendigo. Hulk doesn't even know what Wendigo is. And Hulk doesn't hurt people who don't hurt him. Quote2
—Paul Cartier (Earth-616)
Henry Pym (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 Wait! Before we separate, the Wasp and I have something to say! Each of us has a different power! If we combined forces, we could be almost unbeatable! Quote2
Anthony Stark (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 1 0001
Iron Man
Quote1 Work as a team? Why not? I'm for it! Quote2
Thor Odinson (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 There is much good we might do! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 I'm sick of bein' hunted and hounded! I'd rather be with you than against you! So, whether you like it or not, I'm joining the... the... Hey! What are you callin' yourselves? Quote2
Janet Van Dyne (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 That's right! We need a name! It should be something colorful and dramatic, like... the Avengers, or... Quote2
Henry Pym (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 "Or" nothing! That's it! The Avengers!! Quote2
Anthony Stark (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 1 0001
Iron Man
Quote1 We'll fight together, or separately, if need be! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 I pity the guy who tries to beat us! Quote2
Thor Odinson (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 We'll never be beaten! For we are... the Avengers! Quote2
—Avengers Vol 1 1
HeimdallQuote1 BY THE BRISTLING BEARD OF ODIN!! Thou dost not fall! What manner of being art thou??! I, who can see a hummingbird's wing, though he be a universe away... I, who can hear the rustling of a leaf within some distant galaxy... Never have I witnessed so mighty a mortal! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 So... you can hear a leaf when it trembles! If your ears are that sensitive... Let's see what this does to them! (double fist pounds the Bifrost Bridge, stunning Heimdall and sending him flying with the resultant shockwaves) Quote2
HeimdallQuote1 For the first time in ages... invincible Heimdall hath been suddenly overcome! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Nobody stops the Hulk! Quote2
—Tales to Astonish Vol 1 101
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
The Hulk
Quote1 Hulk is bigger! Hulk is stronger! Quote2
The ThingQuote1 Mebbe so ... But I'm a heckuva lot faster ... and I ain't exactly a flyweight myself! Quote2
—Fantastic Four Vol 1 112
Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Excalibur Vol 3 13 0002
Doctor Strange
Quote1 I suspect you won because you had no brain large enough for him to grab onto -- to paralyze. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 What? Are you trying to insult Hulk? Quote2
—Marvel Feature Vol 1 3
The Hulk Vol 1 18 Textless
Quote1 Little man leaps around like frog! Why doesn't little man fight-- like Hulk! Quote2
Spider-ManQuote1 Are you kidding? Mister, you'd snap me in two! Quote2
The Hulk Vol 1 18 Textless
Quote1 Then little man is afraid of Hulk! Quote2
Spider-ManQuote1 You ever get a good look at yourself, friend? Quote2
—Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 119
Spider-ManQuote1 Goochi-goo, cuddles. Remember me? I'm the cut-up who ruined your fun with that dam--remember? Quote2
The Hulk Vol 1 18 Textless
Quote1 You! Yes, Hulk remembers, you made Hulk angry! Hulk still angry! Quote2
Spider-ManQuote1 Yeah, well...I was counting on that...I think. Quote2
—Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 120
CleaQuote1 Eyes of Oshtur! Quote2
Daimon HellstromQuote1 By the Hadean Chimes! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 2 75 Textless
Bruce Banner
Quote1 Great Scott! Quote2
Luke CageQuote1 Sweet Christmas! Quote2
—Defenders Vol 1 24
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Is fuzzy-hair coming too? Hulk is sorry about hitting little man! Quote2
Power ManQuote1 How can I turn down an offer like that? Quote2
—Defenders Vol 1 44
Walter Langkowski (Earth-616) from Civil War The Initiative Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 I'm not interested in matching muscles with a murdering monster, Dr. Banner, I only want to stop Wendigo from killing again! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Avengers Assemble Vol 2 6 001
Quote1 Nothing wrong with that Langkowski! I just wanted to have a little pleasure in the process! The pleasure of possessing--and consciously controlling--more power the i've ever know in my life! Quote2
Walter Langkowski (Earth-616) from Civil War The Initiative Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 But you've the Hulk for years! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Avengers Assemble Vol 2 6 001
Quote1 Not me, Doctor--Not Bruce Banner! I've always been the puny, helpless man inside the monster! Today, Bruce Banner is the Incredible Hulk Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 272
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 You're going after them, now? Does that mean I'm not the enemy -- that now we're on the same side? Quote2
Hero of the Day (Earth-8386) from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 286 001
Hero of the Day
Quote1 King says who enemy is! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Aren't you starting to wonder if maybe your king is wrong? Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 286
Emil Blonsky (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 1 0001
Quote1 That's all I'm afraid of--gettin' beat like you beat me before! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Then why fight me at all? We have no quarrel! Quote2
Emil Blonsky (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 1 0001
Quote1 I gotta fight you! If I don't, M.O.D.O.K.'ll punish me! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 289
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
The Hulk
Quote1 Magician?! Come out, magician--or Hulk will tear magician's house down around his ears! Quote2
Dr. StrangeQuote1 That is neither possible nor necessary, friend Hulk, for I am here... what help would you have... of Dr. Strange? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
The Hulk
Quote1 Hulk will smash magician! Quote2
Dr. StrangeQuote1 That is what you say, Hulk. though that is not what you truly want. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 299
Simon Utrecht (Earth-616) from Avengers The Initiative Vol 1 26 0001
Quote1 Well, well, well, Hulk--FANCY MEETING YOU HERE! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 RRRAARRGH! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 305
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 What is Hulk doing in this place? Quote2
Goblin (Triad) (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 310 001
Quote1 Tearin' up the town an' having' a heckuva good time, right, green-guy? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 No! Hulk came to save girl! Girl is gone! Hulk wants to leave this place! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 311
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Quote1 Well, well, well. Banner was wrong. You're not S.H.I.E.L.D. You're the X-Men. Quote2
CyclopsQuote1 We're not the X-Men anymore. We're X-Terminators, we all change, don't we, Hulk? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Quote1 Oh, yeah. X-Men. X-Terminators. Well, it really don't matter. 'Cause now you'll be--X-tinct! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 336
Doc SamsonQuote1 Hulk...I don't know about this. Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. is corrupt, even if the government is making gamma bombs...which I doubt...why do you assume they'd stoop to killing Bruce Banner? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Quote1 That's easy. Because I'm totally corrupt. And that's what I would do. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 337
Alexander Woolcot (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 Hi "Dad". The Hulk said I could go with him, and that if you didn't like it we could--what was that again? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Quote1 Level the place. Quote2
Alexander Woolcot (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 1 0001
Quote1 Yeah, that's right. Level the place. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 339
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 He...talks?! He says he wants help! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Quote1 I'll help 'im, all right. Help him to shut up! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 341
Carl Creel (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 1 1 0002
Absorbing Man
Quote1 What, you're gonna stop me by tossin' concrete? So congratulations. Now I'm concrete. Now what? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Quote1 Now I do what I always do to concrete. Pulverize it! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 348
The Amazing Spider-ManQuote1 Look, fella... Just stay down there and you won't get hurt. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
The Hulk
Quote1 Don't worry about it, Hotshot. You stay where you are. I'll come up! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 349
Emil Blonsky (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 3 2 cover
Quote1 This is the Green-Skinned Goliath? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Quote1 No! This is the hacked off Hulk! Quote2
Emil Blonsky (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 3 2 cover
Quote1 And he's talking too! Isn't there anything you can count on? Is nothing sacred? Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 364
Cosmic Spider-ManQuote1 You mean you came here just to fight me? WHY?! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Grey Hulk
Quote1 Best reason in the world Web-Head! BUCKS! Quote2
—Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 328
Sharon Ventura (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 5 10 0001
Ms. Marvel
Quote1 I'm not the Thing, you idiot! I'm Ms. Marvel! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Quote1 Figures you'd---unh--change your name. Could'a been worse. You could'a called yourself She-Thing. Quote2
Sharon Ventura (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 5 10 0001
Ms. Marvel
Quote1 You think you're funny, don't you? Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 365
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Quote1 No! It's too close to the change! That's Banner thinking! But I'm the Hulk! And the Hulk doesn't roll over for anybody! Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 2 4 Textless
Quote1 Oh yeah? Roll over! Fetch! Sit up!! Beg! Beg!! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Quote1 No..begging...never again...kill you...I'll k-- Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 367
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 340 001
Quote1 Whole world's going nuts. Hey, Namor, I saw headline said you were dead. Quote2
Namor McKenzie (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 370 001
Quote1 Ah, but the public has read of your demise, too. Not only that, but i seem to recall Doctor Strange's funeral. All of us, men who are alive when, by rights, we should be dead. Do you know what that makes us? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 340 001
Quote1 Sure, the challengers of the unknown. Quote2
Namor McKenzie (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 370 001
Quote1 No. Three very proficient liars. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 370
WolverineQuote1 Hey bub, long time no see! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Yeah? Not long enough for my money! And the name is Hulk, not "bub"! Quote2
WolverineQuote1 Are you sure it ain't "Mr. Fixit"? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Always the clever one, eh, Wolverine? As I remember it, you've gone through some name changes yourself! Quote2
—Marvel Comics Presents Vol 1 55
WolverineQuote1 Stay back! You don't know what you're dealing with here! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Neither do you! Quote2
—Marvel Comics Presents Vol 1 60
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Get off me! Quote2
WolverineQuote1 Sorry, bub! No way! Not unless you calm down--come to your senses! Quote2
—Marvel Comics Presents Vol 1 61
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
The Hulk
Quote1 Ho Ho Ho. You've been a very bad dimwit this year. Santa's going to have to turn you into Christmas mulch. Quote2
Aleksei Sytsevich (Earth-616) from Daughters of the Dragon Vol 1 1 0001
The Rhino
Quote1 Shuddup! I liked you better when you had a ten word vocabulary! Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 1 378
Kyle Richmond (Earth-616) from All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 8 0001
Quote1 The Monsters say you're afraid of them, Hulk. They say they're stronger then you- and that your mother wears combat boots! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
The Incredible Hulk
Quote1 Monsters said WHAT?! Quote2
—Defenders Vol 2 7
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 You ever see anything like this before?--Logan? Logan? Quote2
LoganQuote1 Yeah......once. Quote2
—Hulk/Wolverine: 6 Hours Vol 1 2
LoganQuote1 Get the kid! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 What are you doing? Quote2
LoganQuote1 Gonna drop in on an old friend. Quote2
—Hulk/Wolverine: 6 Hours Vol 1 3
LoganQuote1 The chick was lookin' at me! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Was not... Quote2
LoganQuote1 Was so! Quote2
—Hulk/Wolverine: 6 Hours Vol 1 4
Richard Jones (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 6 001
Rick Jones
Quote1 Man, you're like some kind of hulking -- Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Hulk. Quote2
—Hulk: Gray Vol 1 1
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Photos! No way! Cost you another forty points... Quote2
ThingQuote1 Thirty. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Thirty-five. Quote2
ThingQuote1 Twenty. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 You just said "Thirty-five"! You're supposed to go up in a negotiation, moron! Quote2
—Hulk & Thing: Hard Knocks Vol 1 4
Fin Fang Foom (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 Vol 1 3 0001
Fin Fang Foom
Quote1 Tremble, little green mortal! For I am he whose limbs shatter mountains and whose back scrapes the sun! I am he before whom all sentient beings in the Andromeda Galaxy once bowed and feared my might! I am Fin Fang Foom, exiled ruler of the Makluan! This island is the staging area for our invasion of this world! And you shall be the first to kneel in fear! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Yeah. That'll happen. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 79
Doctor Voodoo Avenger of the Supernatural Vol 1 4 Textless
Quote1 As for the monsters of this island: Mindless Ones, "borrowed" from a neighboring dimension to aid in my shadow plays. Well? Have you nothing to say? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Yeah. You're boring the crap out of me. Leaving now. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 81
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Vol 1 5 Women of Power Variant Textless
Devil Dinosaur
Moon-Boy (Earth-78411) from Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Vol 1 1 0001
Moon Boy
Quote1 Devil, no! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Stupid dinosaur, don't you know Hulk is strongest one there is? Quote2
—Marvel Monsters: Devil Dinosaur Vol 1 1
No-NameQuote1 We are Brood, from Broodworld. You are lunch. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 So have a sandwich. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 93
Hiroim (Earth-616) from World War Hulk Vol 1 2 0001
Quote1 Let us be Warbound. In life and death, the oath that cannot be broken. He was Lavin Skee, protector of Elloe Kaifi and hero of our second trial. We who honor him speak our true names and bind to each other forever. Hiroim the Shamed, shadow warrior and Saka priest. Quote2
Miek (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 108 001
Quote1 Miek. Unhieved, last-one-living. Quote2
No-NameQuote1 No-Name, warrior-prime of Broodworld. Quote2
KorgQuote1 Korg of Krona, son of O-Korg and Ahna. Brother-killer of Margus. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Hulk. Quote2
Miek (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 108 001
Quote1 Warbound. Quote2
KorgQuote1 Yes, Warbound...whatever may come. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 94
Norrin Radd (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 95 0001
Silver Savage
Quote1 I must return to the stars. Will you come? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Huh. Back when we first met, that's all I wanted. I hated the stupid humans. They never left me alone. Then I saw you in the sky, thought you were a flying saucer. I wanted to catch you, make you take me away to another world. Quote2
Norrin Radd (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 95 0001
Silver Savage
Quote1 I'm sorry. If I had known... Let me take you now. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 You don't get it. I'm finally here. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 95
Miek (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 108 001
Quote1 Two-hands...what saying you? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Why ask me? You know what you want. You brought us here to get it. Quote2
Miek (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 108 001
Quote1 But what...what would you doing? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 I'd never stop making them pay. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 96
Incredible Hulk Vol 2 103 Textless
Quote1 You've lost the stone man and your shadow. Your strength and strategy. You lead an army of angry children. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Angry's worked pretty good for me so far. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 98
Angmo-Asan (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 Vol 1 92 001
Red King
Quote1 Always satisfying, cleaning house, isn't it? Now then, Elloe Kaifi, highblood traitor of the you prefer incineration or decapitation? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 How 'bout option three? ...Kicking your %$*. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 2 101
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Bruce Banner
Quote1 Monica, one last time...can you remember exactly what Betty wished for? Quote2
Monica RappacciniQuote1 I...I don't know. But monsters were involved. Quote2
—Incredible Hulks Vol 1 630
Amadeus ChoQuote1 Why is it only our wishes get screwed up? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Quit whining...and get the puny humans out of the way. I'll do the rest. Quote2
—Incredible Hulks Vol 1 631
Amadeus ChoQuote1 Hey, Banner! Come on, man! You think you're special? You're not! Everybody on the planet feels the way you do! We're all angry. We're all crazy. We all wish we could blame it on a monster inside of us. But we all deal with it. Just like you do. For pete's sake, man, you're a freaking hero! I've seen it! A hundred times over! So why... why can't you just take what you've earned? Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Bruce Banner
Quote1 'Cause I'll break it. Quote2
Betty RossQuote1 Funny... I had the same problem. 'Til I remembered... you don't break so easy. Quote2
—Incredible Hulks Vol 1 635
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Bruce Banner
Quote1 Ever since I was born, I've been fighting. Fighting for survival. For sanity. For control. For years, I fought against my own nature. I fought to be free of what I thought was a curse. But now... Now I fight to be whole. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Ever since I was first spat into this world, I've had to fight for everything I've ever gotten. I fought to be born. To be left alone. To be free. But now I just fight to be who I am. Whatever the hell that might be. Tomorrow I might wanna kill Bruce Banner all over again, but right now... He's all I got. Quote2
—Incredible Hulk Vol 3 15
WolverineQuote1 What did they want? And if they were us in the future, if they killed us in the past, wouldn't they be killing themselves? My head hurts. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Quote1 Bigger question... If they're gone, you know what that means? Cake! Quote2
WolverineQuote1 Hey! Hulk! Quote2
—A + X Vol 1 1
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Infinity Vol 1 6 001
Bruce Banner
Quote1 You had to make me mad, completely get it. But. Do you have to be so good at it? Quote2
Iron Man Vol 5 16 page 20
Iron Man
Quote1 That particular talent rarely serves me well. Quote2
—Indestructible Hulk Annual Vol 1 1
Richard Jones (Earth-616) and Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 13 0001
Quote1 We're not just weapons, we're people too, dammit! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Doc Green
Quote1 Well, "A-Bomb," I have bad news: If there's anything more unstable than weapons, it's people. Quote2
—Hulk Vol 3 6
Hulk Vol 2 1 Textless
Red Hulk
Quote1 I half expected to be dealing with Banner in Hulk's body, but not even Banner would have a haircut that dumb. Quote2
Hulk Vol 3 5 Textless
Doc Green
Quote1 Lose the fashion advice, Ross. Stick to deserting your country. Quote2
—Hulk Vol 3 10
Reginald Fortean (Earth-616) from Immortal Hulk Vol 1 21 004
General Fortean
Quote1 What... what is this? Quote2
Samuel Sterns (Earth-616) from Immortal Hulk Vol 1 24 001
Brian Banner
Quote1 This is where you've always been. Where all of us have always been. Welcome, General Fortean. Welcome, welcome. Welcome to our little family. Quote2
Doc SamsonQuote1 I'm sorry, General. I'm so sorry. But I did try to warn you. Quote2
Reginald Fortean (Earth-616) from Immortal Hulk Vol 1 21 004
General Fortean
Quote1 Samson? Quote2
Doc SamsonQuote1 If it's any consolation, I don't think this lasts. I... feel as if I've tried to stay longer. To move past this place... to be... cleansed... anyway. I suppose now we both know how it's done. Quote2
Reginald Fortean (Earth-616) from Immortal Hulk Vol 1 21 004
Gen. Fortean
Quote1 No. No. I -- I don't want this -- I'd never have -- this is... my soul... Quote2
Samuel Sterns (Earth-616) from Immortal Hulk Vol 1 24 001
Brian Banner
Quote1 Ha ha ha! Isn't this fun? So many of us -- it's like a party! You've outdone yourself, Bruce. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Joe Fixit
Quote1 Bruce ain't here, Dad. It's, Joe. Quote2
Reginald Fortean (Earth-616) from Immortal Hulk Vol 1 21 004
General Fortean
Quote1 What-- Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Joe Fixit
Quote1 Party's over. Quote2
—Immortal Hulk Vol 1 24
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 15 Textless
Quote1 Y'know, I should really have a battle cry. "Webs away!" or something like that. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Smash Avengers Vol 1 4 001
Mr. Fixit
Quote1 No. Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 15 Textless
Quote1 But... Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Smash Avengers Vol 1 4 001
Mr. Fixit
Quote1 No. Quote2
—New Fantastic Four Vol 1 2
Wilson Fisk (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 4 15 001
Quote1 Im... Im... Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Smash Avengers Vol 1 4 001
Joe Fixit
Quote1 I think "impossible" is the word you're looking for. Although if you ask me, I prefer the word... "Incredible." Quote2
—Joe Fixit Vol 1 1
Wilson Fisk (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 4 15 001
Quote1 Destroy this place. Then kill Michael Berengetti. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Smash Avengers Vol 1 4 001
Joe Fixit
Quote1 Kill...? Quote2
Wilson Fisk (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 4 15 001
Quote1 That's correct. Enjoy working for me. Quote2
—Joe Fixit Vol 1 2
She-Hulk Vol 4 5 Textless
Quote1 I do worry about Banner. He's my family. Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 4 7 Textless
Quote1 Banner's Gone! Hulk is what's left. So you can stop worrying. You can go away. Quote2
She-Hulk Vol 4 5 Textless
Quote1 I'm not going anywhere. You're my family too. Quote2
—Sensational She-Hulk Vol 2 3
Blade Vol 5 1 Negative Space Variant
Quote1 When that thing was inside me... I saw where I need to go. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 7.1 cover
Dr. Bruce Banner
Quote1 What did you see? Quote2
Blade Vol 5 1 Negative Space Variant
Quote1 Hell, doctor. I need to go to Hell. Quote2
—Blade Vol 5 7

All items (292)
