Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


Early years[]

Bounty is a renowned interdimensional bounty hunter. She claimed to never fail to track her targets, to have been romanced by pirates, gladiators, and emperors, and to have killed a personification of Death.[1][2]


On several occasions Bounty had run-ins with superheroes, including the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man.

In the past (on Earth), she damaged the Fantastic Four's headquarters, had romantic feelings for the Thing, was formally associated with The Bacchae, fought against Spider-Man, and interfered with a "gang" dispute between The Golden Horde and The Bacchae.[3] Bounty helped the Fantastic Four defeat Pluto.[citation needed]

While being known as a great fighter with something of a temper, she also shows her feminine side when dealing with people she feels she can open up to or to get what she wants from them.[citation needed]

After Civil War[]

After the Civil War, she was listed as a potential recruit for the Initiative.[4]


Power Grid[6]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Experienced Fighter:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Enhanced:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (800 lbs-25 ton):Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Normal


Bounty gradually grew from 5'10" to 7',[citation needed] though whether she controlled this is unknown.


Bounty is an expert fighter, pilot, and weapons master. She is familiar with extradimensional races and technologies.[citation needed] She displayed signs of incredible strength, a heightened sense of smell, a knowledge of how to use many different weapons, and a very high biological resistance to Earth's alcohol.[citation needed]



Force field generator[citation needed]


Laser blades; energy pistols[citation needed]

See Also

Links and References

