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Nothing of the past of the woman known as Bloody Bess is known. She eventually joined the Crimson Pirates, a bunch of psychotic mercenaries. The Crimson Pirates would cross the X-Men's path when, in coalition the Goth, they blackmailed Russian Minister Dmitri Koniev into freeing Tullamore Voge, a slaver under the X-Men's custody in Russia. The X-Men were caught in a direct conflict against the Crimson Pirates, and initially were successful in overpowering them; Bloody Bess was even incapacitated by Storm. However, after being betrayed by a possessed Cable, the X-Men were defeated and kidnapped.[1]

The captured X-Men members pretended to have joined forces with the Goth and the Crimson Pirates in Madripoor under Gambit's leadership. Bloody Bess and Beldame were in charge of keeping them in check. This led to a confrontation with the remaining X-Men, under Rogue's leadership. The X-Men were eventually taken to the Slave Market, run by Tullamore Voge, helped by both the Goth and the Crimson Pirates. During a confrontation between the X-Men against Voge's slaves, the Goth and the Crimson Pirates, Rogue was forced to kill the Goth. Apparently, the Crimson Pirates managed to flee.[2]

The Crimson Pirates stuck together through the years, performing several mercenary jobs to get profit. Once again under Tullamore Voge's pay, they were asked to retrieve Ziggy Karst, a powerful mutant who was predicted to have a huge influence in the future. Ziggy's powers also were registered in Cerebra and Nightcrawler and Scorpion Boy went to check out such an activation. Both the Crimson Pirates and Nightcrawler went to Narwal -- an advanced weapons research facility where Ziggy worked. There, Nightcrawler fought the Crimson Pirates, even getting into a sword fight with Bloody Bess, when they got to know each other better, attracting Bess' interest on Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler managed to defeat the Pirates and free Ziggy and several other slaves held by Voge.[3]

Voge's next assignment for the Crimson Pirates was to collect Omega Black in the Taklimakan Desert. When Bloody Bess tried to make telepathic contact with Omega Black, she unleashed the Shadow King, who was hidden in Omega Black's mind and possessed the other Crimson Pirates. She was attacked by her teammates and psychically cried out to Nightcrawler for help, forcing him to teleport to her location. They met each other with a kiss. The X-Men went for their rescue but were also controlled by the Shadow King, forcing Nightcrawler and Bess to stand by themselves against their own allies. Bess managed to free Psylocke from the Shadow King's influence, and together the two telepaths sent Nightcrawler's astral form to fight the Shadow King. After Nightcrawler destroyed the Shadowing, the Crimson Pirates were freed from his control. Much to Bess' disappointment, their first move was to fatally wound her new lover and kidnap both Scorpion Boy and Ziggy Karst. Bloody Bess was crucial to keep Nightcrawler's soul from dying. After she saved him, they decided to rescue the kidnapped students.[4]

Together, the duo flew to the Slave Market run by Voge. Meanwhile, Voge dismissed the Crimson Pirates by having his new employees, the Warwolves, to defeat them and sell them as slaves. Bloody Bess and Nightcrawler joined forces with Scorpion Boy and Ziggy against Voge's slaves, Hounds and Warwolves. Bloody Bess was attacked by the Warwolves, but successfully escaped with Nightcrawler's help and her astral projection powers. After Voge and his slaves were defeated, Bloody Bess and Nightcrawler started a relationship and went on a vacation. Afterwards, Bloody Bess put her efforts in finding and freeing the Crimson Pirates.[5]



Bloody Bess has displayed the following superhuman abilities:



See Also

Links and References

