
Exploring splendors of Tanoa, the fresh new pacific Arma 3′s environment.

My 30 Years of Making Games

It was the year 1985. Mikhail Gorbachev became General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party. We were three young brothers living in Czechoslovakia and thanks to a chain of unlikely events, we had our first computer at home: Texas Instruments 99/4. My dream was to play video games but we had no way to get any games for this rare type of machine. Not that other computers were common in our country back then, but there were a few lucky people with a ZX81 or even a ZX Spectrum we’d heard of.

In any case, we somehow managed to connect the computer to a black and white Russian TV set Yunost, made a cable from the computer to a tape deck and we started to try making our first simple games using the built-in programming language BASIC. Little could I imagine how deep this rabbit hole would go. But it certainly has been an exciting 30 years of making games.


Ecstatic Arma fans rejoice as we have announced first premium DLC for Arma 3 Karts: “Are you seriously became retarded at Bohemia. We are waiting since Operation flashpoint on certain gameplay features. But you guy’s decide to create a stupid Kart DLC?????”

First year of Arma 3


It has been an incredibly busy year of Arma 3 development, from alpha to the final chapter of the single player campaign. Thank you for playing and we are looking forward to another busy year on the project!

Two splendid new locations coming soon to #altis in #arma3  : stadium and abandoned hotel

I got PS Vita today, just to play TxK. Hard to believe Tempest 2000 for Atari Jaguar was released 20 years ago. Finally a remake that is nearly as good as the original.

Thank you!

#DayZ just passed one million sales four weeks after the release.

Happy New Year

DayZ diary: My first life

A few hundred thousand people are already playing the DayZ alpha, and I’m one of them. I’ve recorded my journey so far, one, remarkably, that hasn’t yet ended in death.
First day of Dayz (Alpha). Hours passed: 24. Copies sold: 172500. Survivors online: 142403. Bugs discovered: many. Work ahead: hard.