Explore Your Mind

Explore Your Mind

Explore Your Mind

Explore your thoughts and feelings from a new perspective breaking free from ‘stuck’ patterns and uncovering powerful insights

Relax and De-stress

Allow yourself to be immersed in the present moment, quietening brain ‘chatter’ and transporting you to a place of deep calm 

Sleep Better

Use our neural entrainment to quieten your mind and actively guide your brain to the early stages of sleep onset

Lumenate App Sign up

The Lumenate App

Get yourself comfortable, turn your phone so the flashlight is facing you, close your eyes then fall effortlessly into a calming and immersive journey through a constantly shifting kaleidoscope of colours created by your subconscious…

Writing a story? Email [email protected] for our press pack

Writing a story? Email [email protected] for our press pack

What to

Closed eye visuals: Highly coloured vivid fractals

Occasional but pronounced sense of movement

Notable reduction in sense of self

Notable reduction in awareness of body

Notable reduction in sense of time

Average experience of 30 test participants

“It taps into emotion, it taps into memory, it taps into cognition, it taps into imagination. The way this technology allows you to perceive these often abstract things is really remarkable”

– Lumenate App testing participant

Lumenate brainwave entrainment app in use
Lumenate co-founder Tom Giving a presentation on the project's neuroscience to researchers at Imperial College London including Dr Robin Carhart-Harris

Co-founder Tom Galea presenting our research at Imperial College’s Centre for Psychedelic Research

Science is at the heart of everything we do

We carried out thousands of our own EEG brain-scanning experiments to design, understand and optimise the Lumenate experience.

Here's what the experts had to say...