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Privacy regulations and signal loss are having huge impacts on targeting capabilities and advertising revenue for publishers.


Alternative Identity Manager: a unified container for identity management. Seamlessly test, integrate and manage alternative identity providers in a self-service platform to mitigate signal loss. 

Product Demo.

Email Validation

Re-engage visitors using tools that obfuscate email addresses. As email has become the de facto unique identifier of choice, Machine-Generated Emails impact up to 62% of topline revenues for publishers.

Calculate your exposure.

Sign in with lockrMail

The only consumer-first single-sign-on solution to empower individual choice around communication preferences, consent signals, and provisioning of data. lockrMail is the only adtech-friendly SSO.

Provide seamless authentication.

With personal information spread across the web, consumers are eager for a way to manage their data.

Much like a Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) or Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) servicing the enterprise, lockr is building the equivalent solution for the consumer.

Identity lockr

A privacy-compliant identity solution

Utilizing persistent email addresses, hashed email clusters, and industry-leading alternative IDs, lockr preserves the advertising-fueled internet economy – enabling identity matching across sites and with first-party audience sets in a consumer-consented manner.

Future-proof your business. 

Machine-Generated Email Cost Calculator

As email becomes the new unique identifier, consumer inboxes are being inundated with email promotions. Consumers are reacting with the creation of temporary email addresses – which break the publisher revenue model.

Why partner with lockr
AIM Demo

Learn how Alternative Identity Manager (AIM), a unified container for identity and data management, allows seamless testing and integrations with alternative identifiers, data clean rooms, and Customer Data Platforms.

Contact us today to begin the integration process.