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What is the Fusion programme?

Fusion is a 3-day competitive programme that enables companies to solve a specific, defined problem or opportunity and ensure that solutions can be accelerated quickly into implementation.

Through the discovery and assessment of emerging technologies and solutions, your organisation and the startups will work together during our corporate innovation workshop to develop a solution to the challenge and an accelerated roadmap for deploying a PoC. Throughout the 3 days, all teams will compete to develop a solution using the L Marks Fusion proven methodology and processes. 


There are four main reasons for doing a Fusion programme: solving a really difficult challenge, speed, engagement and learning.

  • Your organisation will be able to fast-track solutions in 3 days, which usually could take 6-9 months to develop and test;
  • Your employees too will have the chance to explore entrepreneurial flare and interest;
  • Being an Open Innovation initiative, you will collaborate with external solution providers and learn from different work styles and approaches.


There are several additional benefits of Fusion :

  • The final chosen solution is one agreed by and bought into by all the key stakeholders. This cross-company/cross-discipline alignment ensures a smooth and rapid path to implementation and acceptance/downstreaming;
  • Fusion is an inclusive approach – employees at all levels get to work together and decide on the best outcome. It exhibits and engenders an inclusive culture, which permeates across the business and is reflected in future projects;
  • It builds new relationships and reinforces existing ones behind an ethos of collaboration.

How does Fusion work?

Fusion enables companies to solve a specific, defined problem or opportunity and ensure that solutions can be accelerated quickly into implementation. Cross-functional teams are formed from within the company, together with tech entrepreneurs, to address the challenge statement. Throughout the 3 days, all teams will compete to develop a solution using the L Marks’ Fusion proven methodology and processes. With preparation being the key to the success of this programme, the project is delivered in four phases:

Stage 1


We work with our clients to identify your key strategic opportunity areas and pain points. We work with you to prioritise the most impactful one and refine this into a challenge statement for the Fusion.

Stage 2


L Marks scouts globally for exciting innovations that can help you solve the challenge statement. These ideas are then paired with internal resources from your organisation to build cross skilled teams to ensure the best chance for success.

Stage 3


Internal teams work alongside the corporate client, partners and suppliers over 3 days to rapidly co-design and co-develop solutions to the specific business challenge in a competitive format.

Stage 4


At the end of the 3 days a winner is chosen by a panel of key decision makers and the winning solution implemented.

Get in touch

Get in touch with us to discuss Fusion opportunities for your company.

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