« All Haxelib Contributors


Project Downloads
hxnodejs Extern definitions for node.js 479666
hxjsonast Type-safe position-aware JSON parsing & printing 420138
hxtsdgen TypeScript declaration generator for Haxe/JS 175380
haxelib The haxelib client 49699
sure Assert like a boss 19126
vscode Visual Studio Code extern library 13038
vshaxe Visual Studio Code Haxe extension extern library. 7804
vscode-debugadapter Visual Studio Code Debug Adapter externs 2435
hxmustache Logic-less templates 1958
ash Port of the Ash entity component framework originally written in ActionScript 3 972
hxdefold Defold game engine externs 681
language-server-protocol Type definitions for the Language Server Protocol (LSP) 81
hx-ash Continuation/fork of port by nadako. Entity component framework originally written in ActionScript 3, see http://www.ashframework.org/ 68
hxnodejs-commander Externs for the commander NPM module 31

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