« All Haxelib Contributors


Project Downloads
utest Unit Testing for Haxe 491405
thx.core General purpose library. It contains extensions to many of the types contained in the standard library as well as new complementary types. 261592
thx.semver Semantic version library for Haxe. It follows the specifications for Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 described at http://semver.org/ 50154
electron Type definitions for the electron framework 24321
thx.culture Localization library. 8950
ufront-mvc A full-featured MVC Framework for Neko, PHP, NodeJS and browser JS, that runs on both server and client. 8573
ufront-orm An extension of Haxe's sys.db classes that provide relationships (foreign keys), validation, client-side safety and more. 8041
thx.format Formatting library (Numbers and Dates). 7880
thx.promise Library for lightweight promises and futures. 7809
ufront-easyauth A basic database driven authentication system for Ufront, with Users, Groups and Permissions. 7777
ufront-ufadmin A simple web-based admin console for your ufront website. Has support for Nicolas' DBAdmin tool, and very simple integrations with ufront-easyauth, ufront-mail etc. Is pluggable so you can create your own admin modules. 7707
express Express types for Haxe 7305
erazor A haXe implementation of the MVC 3 Razor template engine 6987
npm NPM types for Haxe 5255
jsrequire Small utility to get @:jsRequire dependencies automatically installed 5009
nodejs std.io, Http, and sys library for node.js 4392
thx.stream Stream library for Haxe. 3217
templo Advanced Template System for Haxe 2862
dots DOTS - Dom Tools 2207
thx.csv CSV parsing and writing libraries. Also supports DSV and TSV. 1658
hxevents Simple and Generic Event system for Haxe 840
thx.color Library for color manipulation. Contains definitions for Lab, LCh, Cmy(K), CubeHelix, Grey, Hcl, Hsl(A), Hsv(A), Rgb(A), Xyz and Yxy as well as alpha versions of the sames and color parsing. 783
ufront-clientds ClientDS is a Client Data Store that works with ufront-orm and the remoting APIs in ufront-mvc to let you easily fetch, cache and update database objects from the client. 432
thx.unit Library for unit of measurements. So far are included linear measurement, amount of substance, angle, current, digital, luminous intensity, mass, and time. 267
edge Entity system for Haxe. 152
abe Easy webserver for Haxe and NodeJS built on top of Express 103
thx.text Contains helpers for text like ASCII tables and inflections. 103
ufront-remoting Some helpers for setting up Haxe remoting APIs with ufront. 95
thx.tpl Template library 86
thx.stream.dom DOM Streams for Haxe 80
minicanvas Mini-library to quickly generate canvas images (for the browser and nodejs). 77
livehaxe LiveHaxe - a tool to monitor your project for changes and automatically recompile when changes are detected. 76
sui Fixes and updated package for thx.core 73
thx.benchmark Tools to measure code execution timing. 56
ufront-mvc-classic The classic MVC Framework from the old Ufront. Modelled on ASP.net MVC2 Framework, it is very flexible but relies heavily on RTTI, so performance and type safety may suffer. See ufront-mvc for an alternative implementation. 46
rdg Random Data Generator. 14

All libraries are free

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