« All Haxelib Contributors


Project Downloads
utest Unit Testing for Haxe 491403
pako Haxe externs for the pako js library (https://github.com/nodeca/pako) 378681
hhp HHP - Haxe Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP-like template system. 224788
safety Null safety for Haxe. 142235
sourcemap Source maps parser 75461
bits Binary bit flags with unlimited amount of bits. 28199
exception Base class for exceptions 21072
datetime DateTime is an alternative to Date class + date/time math, intervals and much more 15497
stablexui StablexUI is a crossplatform UI engine. 5294
jstack Friendly stack traces for JS and PHP7 targets. Makes them point to haxe sources. 2643
traits Traits for Haxe 213
hunit HUnit - unit testing framework with mocks 144
iterators A collection of useful iterators. 102

All libraries are free

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