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hxcpp Hxcpp is the runtime support for the C++ backend of the Haxe compiler. This contains the headers, libraries and support code required to generate a fully compiled executable from Haxe code. 1436372
hscript Haxe Script is a scripting engine for a subset of the Haxe language 1066936
format A Haxe Library for supporting different file formats. 608427
hxnodejs Extern definitions for node.js 479666
hxcs Support library for the C# backend of the Haxe compiler 325184
hxjava Support library for the Java backend of the Haxe compiler 119218
dox Haxe documentation generator. 56781
haxelib The haxelib client 49699
markdown A markdown library for Haxe 37004
hxcpp-gh-release This reupload of the hxcpp library contains the latest release from the official GitHub repository and will be maintained until official contributors push out an update to the original lib. 581
hxcpp-release Hxcpp-release is the runtime support for the C++ backend of the Haxe compiler. This contains the headers, libraries and support code required to generate a fully compiled executable from Haxe code. Contains the latest GitHub release of hxcpp. 10

All libraries are free

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