Latest updates

List of the most recent changes of Haxe libraries.


Project Changes Version
hx-promise-thenable See 0.0.1
27-Jul 2024

1 day ago

Project Changes Version
polymod Dependencies, ZIP mods, blacklisting, and other improvements. 1.8.0
26-Jul 2024
jsonpatch Initial release 1.0.0
26-Jul 2024

2 days ago

Project Changes Version
im-exporter-builder Upgrades haxe-extension-tools to 1.0.1 1.0.1
25-Jul 2024
haxe-extension-tools Add 1.0.1
25-Jul 2024

5 days ago

Project Changes Version
openfl Various bug fixes 9.3.4
22-Jul 2024
lime Various bug fixes 8.1.3
22-Jul 2024

6 days ago

Project Changes Version
neon Initial release, bare minimal POC on Javascript/Browser runtime 0.0.5
21-Jul 2024
neon Initial release, bare minimal POC on Javascript/Browser runtime 0.0.4
21-Jul 2024
neon Initial release, bare minimal POC on Javascript/Browser runtime 0.0.3
21-Jul 2024
neon Initial release, bare minimal POC on Javascript/Browser runtime 0.0.2
21-Jul 2024
neon Initial release, bare minimal POC on Javascript/Browser runtime 0.0.1
21-Jul 2024
HaxeGJClient Sync and Async loads are now possible! 6.1.2
21-Jul 2024
hxpkg Added git hash support, fixed --quiet, json optimization, --remove-all flag 1.2.0
21-Jul 2024

1 week ago

Project Changes Version
torchsfunctions Moved all actual functions into a new folder, left shader alone as that is the only version. 0.6.0
20-Jul 2024
jsonpath Initial release 1.0.0
19-Jul 2024
hx-delaunator Fix github link 1.0.1
16-Jul 2024
hxpkg Bugfix 1.1.3
16-Jul 2024
hxpkg ACTUAL --no-color option 1.1.2
16-Jul 2024
hxpkg --no-color option 1.1.1
14-Jul 2024

2 weeks ago

Project Changes Version
HaxeGJClient Brand New Organization to Everything! 6.1.1
13-Jul 2024
siteHX Made a feature to specify your site's directory. 1.2.0
11-Jul 2024
hxopenai_api Initial release. 1.0.0
09-Jul 2024
hxpkg Huge refactor, and added Haxe 4.2.5 Compatibility 1.1.0
09-Jul 2024
haxework Update. 2.1.1
07-Jul 2024

3 weeks ago

Project Changes Version
hxpkg Bugfixes: remove trace, fixed --beautify check, added additional messages, fixed help examples, added invalid command message, and added --never to haxelib args 1.0.2
06-Jul 2024
extension-androidtools Implemented JNI Cache for improved callback handling and updated documentation. 2.1.0
04-Jul 2024
hxvlc Improved organization, added methods and callbacks for parsing media files, and fixed several bugs. 1.7.1
03-Jul 2024
hxdiscord_gamesdk first release 0.1.0
03-Jul 2024
hxluajit Updated libraries and corrected several externs. 1.0.2
01-Jul 2024
hxArchipelago support for Archipelago 0.5.0 0.9.0
01-Jul 2024
freeCategories 1.0.1
30-Jun 2024
haxion 0.0.10
30-Jun 2024

4 weeks ago

Project Changes Version
haxion fixed minor errors 0.0.9
29-Jun 2024
haxion fixed minor errors 0.0.8
29-Jun 2024
haxion fixed minor errors 0.0.7
29-Jun 2024
haxion fixed minor errors 0.0.6
29-Jun 2024
haxion fixed an error revolving misplaced curly brace again 0.0.5
29-Jun 2024
haxion fixed an error revolving misplaced curly brace 0.0.4
29-Jun 2024
haxion changed packages paths 0.0.3
29-Jun 2024
haxion fixed some deprecations, fixed macros, and changed path 0.0.2
29-Jun 2024
haxion Just uploading the library 0.0.1
29-Jun 2024
hxScry Changes how cards may be searched to increase response times, also added some utility to Card wrapper-class 0.0.1-beta
28-Jun 2024
hxpkg Set CWD Correctly 1.0.1
28-Jun 2024
hxpkg Initial Release 1.0.0
28-Jun 2024
polybool Expose all functions 1.1.0
27-Jun 2024
colyseus-websocket Fix crash when creating an unencrypted WebSocket 1.0.14
27-Jun 2024
hxvlc Updated LibVLC, fixed screen tearing, improved documentation, and included additional improvements. 1.7.0
27-Jun 2024
electron See CHANGELOG 31.1.0
26-Jun 2024
Emitter Performance improvements. 0.9.1
25-Jun 2024
HaxeGJClient Brand New Organization to Everything! 6.1.0
23-Jun 2024

5 weeks ago

Project Changes Version
hxScry Adds basic functionality for searching cards/sets, including fuzzy/exact searching cards, and utilizing Scryfall's EXTENSIVE query searching. 0.0.1-alpha
19-Jun 2024
hxvlc Added the ability to retrieve the stats of the video and made some additional fixes. 1.6.2
18-Jun 2024
hx-eq See 0.0.1
16-Jun 2024
HaxeAL-Soft Fixed compiling error and crash on buffer filling 1.2.1
16-Jun 2024

6 weeks ago

Project Changes Version
HaxeAL-Soft Audio Input support, varies improvements and fixes. 1.2.0
14-Jun 2024
im-exporter-builder Creates Project 1.0.0
13-Jun 2024
macro-type-decoder Add toVariable() 1.0.0
13-Jun 2024
haxe-extension-tools Initial release, everything is working correctly. 1.0.0
13-Jun 2024
localized-streams Extract the Parser-Independet classes from typed-json 1.0.0
13-Jun 2024
peote-view fix for loading fbo gl-extension, give .fbTexure read-access in Display 1.0.2
12-Jun 2024
littleBigInt fix multiplication bug and issue with trunkate zero chunks 0.1.8
12-Jun 2024
hxvlc Added error handling for libVLC plugins.dat file deletion. 1.6.1
12-Jun 2024
ludi-commons Various additions 0.0.2
12-Jun 2024
heaps-coroutine Initial release 0.0.1
11-Jun 2024
heaps-simplegui Initial release 0.0.1
11-Jun 2024
hxvlc Fixed some docs, organized some code and added some new features. 1.6.0
11-Jun 2024
checkstyle added FileNameCase check - see CHANGELOG 2.9.0
10-Jun 2024
macro-aux 0.1.0
10-Jun 2024

7 weeks ago

Project Changes Version
HaxeGJClient Brand New Organization to Everything! 6.0.0
08-Jun 2024
flxsvg Fix resizing 1.0.1
06-Jun 2024
ludi-commons Initial release 0.0.1
06-Jun 2024
dropecho.testing Release version 1.1.5. See for details. 1.1.5
05-Jun 2024
esocklib Early development, code is subject to change and may include bugs. 0.0.1
05-Jun 2024
hxvlc Enhanced video resolution accuracy for more precise rendering. 1.5.5
05-Jun 2024
instrument added support for null coalesence and safe navigation operators, reworked branch coverage, also bugfixes - see CHANGELOG 1.2.0
02-Jun 2024

8 weeks ago

Project Changes Version
heaps-feather-icons Initial release 0.0.1
31-May 2024
hxvlc Fixed bitstream playback on windows and added experimental openal support. 1.5.4
31-May 2024
heaps-svg-lite Initial release 0.0.1
30-May 2024
hxsdl Static linking now works correctly 0.4.2
30-May 2024
HxWebView Fixed setSize not using size hints. 0.0.9
29-May 2024
HxWebView Fixed macro not copying DLLs properly. 0.0.8
29-May 2024

2 months ago

Project Changes Version
echoes Release 1.0.0 1.0.0
26-May 2024
ase Adjustments for the way Aseprite 1.3.5 handles palettes 2.1.0
26-May 2024
hxbitgml 1.5.0
23-May 2024
pbuflib Early development, code is subject to change and may include bugs. 0.0.3
22-May 2024
hxbun expose idleTimeout property for WebSocket servers 0.1.1
22-May 2024
snake-server Initial release 1.1.0
21-May 2024
flxsvg Initial Release 1.0.0
19-May 2024
snake-server Initial release 1.0.0
17-May 2024
hxal Revert static lib files 1.1.1
16-May 2024
hxsdl Revert static lib files 0.4.1
16-May 2024
flixel-addons Compatibility with flixel 5.7.0 3.2.3
15-May 2024
hxdefold Fixed default value in Go.animate 2.0.1
14-May 2024
pbuflib Early development, code is subject to change and may include bugs. 0.0.2
13-May 2024
hxvlc Fixed libqt4 plugin. 1.5.3
13-May 2024
pbuflib Early development, code is subject to change and may include bugs. 0.0.1
13-May 2024
hxvlc Updated libVLC to 3.0.20. 1.5.2
12-May 2024
SScript SScript is discontinued! Thank you for your support! 21.0.0
11-May 2024
hx-sync-thenable See 0.0.1
11-May 2024

All libraries are free

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