Haxe Library Manager

A modular, open-source and cross-platform adventure

Haxelib is the easiest way to find libraries and code for your Haxe project - and the best place you can share your code with others in the Haxe ecosystem. Haxelib is the package manager for the Haxe Toolkit.

cross (509) js (301) openfl (188) utility (165) cpp (159) game (147) haxe (136) neko (131) flash (127) web (125) javascript (100) extern (90) android (80) ios (75) nodejs (75) native (75) html5 (69) macro (64) react (56) externs (53) api (51) php (50) ui (45) java (43) tink (43)

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Popular contributors

Avatar of singmajesty Joshua Granick
(44 projects)

Avatar of Gama11 Jens Fischer
(17 projects)

Avatar of haxeflixel Alexander Hohlov
(7 projects)

Avatar of HaxeFoundation Haxe Foundation
(11 projects)

Avatar of bowlerhat Bowler Hat LLC
(14 projects)

Avatar of Dimensionscape Christopher Speciale
(9 projects)

Avatar of GeoKureli George Kurelic
(5 projects)

Avatar of ncannasse Nicolas Cannasse
(22 projects)

Avatar of gamehaxe Hugh Sanderson
(18 projects)

Avatar of RealyUniqueName Alexander Kuzmenko
(13 projects)

Avatar of back2dos back2dos
(73 projects)

Avatar of massive Massive Interactive
(11 projects)

Avatar of waneck Caue Waneck
(14 projects)

Avatar of nadako Dan Korostelev
(14 projects)

Avatar of larsiusprime Lars A. Doucet
(3 projects)

Avatar of fponticelli Franco Ponticelli
(36 projects)

See all contributors

Many libraries are just one haxelib install away. This example demonstrates some of all haxelib commands.

haxelib install actuate                    # Install `actuate` library
haxelib install actuate 1.8.1              # Install a specific version
haxe -lib actuate -main Test -js test.js   # Use `actuate` library in your Haxe build

haxelib list                               # List all of your installed libraries
haxelib list openfl                        # List your installed libraries that have "openfl" in the name

haxelib install actuate.zip                # Install a library from a zip file
haxelib install test.hxml                  # Install all the libs listed in a hxml
haxelib install all                        # Install all the libs in the hxml files in the current directory

haxelib submit actuate.zip                 # Use Haxelib to share your library with others!

All libraries are free

Every month, more than a thousand developers use Haxelib to find, share, and reuse code — and assemble it in powerful new ways. Enjoy Haxe; It is great!

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