Wiley Wiggins

Wiley Wiggins

Favorite films

  • Blue Velvet
  • Parents
  • Sunset Boulevard
  • Woman in the Dunes

Recent activity

  • Chronopolis

  • Evil Does Not Exist

  • Poor Things

  • Sasquatch Sunset

Recent reviews

  • In a Silent Way

    In a Silent Way

    I had some high hopes for this as a big fan of the later albums, but it's pretty embarrassing. Stonewalled by most of the band, especially Mark Hollis, the director attempts to salvage something by doing a bunch of his own field recordings with some random musicians and gets interviews with "extremely drunk guy who was in a random band from Mark Hollis' home town" and a handful of others. I've seen a few really self indulgent and overlong music docs like this that should have been shelved and they're always from Europe for some reason.

  • It Comes at Night

    It Comes at Night

    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    So, what exactly is this movie supposed to be about? Tribalism on a family scale? How the families of abusers become complicit in the violence they commit? It goes out of its way to construct a world where violence is justified, presumably in order to put us in the mindset of someone who might justify violence, but it's too murky to say if it's successful or not at whatever it was trying to do. It's successfully spooky at least. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯…
