Lego Marvel and DC Superheroes Wiki

Catwoman (Dark Knight Rises) is a variation of Catwoman as she is seen in Dark Knight Rises.

Appearances in Story[]

Catwoman (Dark Knight Rises) is seen working along with Killer Croc, Man-Bat, Bane, and Penguin, plotted to take over the city by using several penguin robots. When Batman manages to defeat most of Penguin's team before their plot is put into action, he proceeds to battle with the Penguin and Catwoman


  • Catwoman (Dark Knight Rises) can use basic melee attacks such as punches and kicks.
  • Catwoman (Dark Knight Rises) can grapple.
  • Catwoman (Dark Knight Rises) is an acrobat.
  • Catwoman (Dark Knight Rises) can dig through mounds.
  • Catwoman (Dark Knight Rises) exhibits super sense.


Catwoman (Dark Knight Rises) is part of the Dark Knight DLC


  • Catwoman (Dark Knight Rises) is seen to be helping Batman in the film The Dark Knight Rises.

