
WordPress provides limitless ways for people to craft and grow their online presence. The content in these courses is delivered in multiple formats, with a focus on text and video, working towards practical learning objectives to help you become a better WordPress developer, designer, user, and contributor.

Developing with WordPress

WordPress opens up opportunities for developers to modify, extend, and experiment beyond its publishing capabilities. These courses will teach you the more technical aspects of working with WordPress, from theme development to building plugins and more.

Introduction to Block Development: Build your first custom block

Learn the basics of block development with this introductory course. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of building a custom block from start to finish.

The course will guide you through the steps needed to build a practical example project that you can go on to use in your own sites. It will provide you with a solid foundation in developing custom blocks. The course will arm you with the essential concepts and knowledge, thereby giving you the confidence to work on your own projects.

What you will learn:

  • Set up a development environment
  • Scaffold a block
  • Make the block user configurable
  • Work with various content using InnerBlocks
  • Add style variations
  • And more….
  • Lessons: 20

Using the WordPress Data Layer

Let’s build a JavaScript application based on WordPress REST API

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • Fetch, filter, and display data
  • Update, delete, and create new data records
  • Handle errors gracefully
  • Leverage the caching and concurrency behaviors of the data layer
  • Lessons: 6

A Developers Guide to Block Themes – Part 1

Learn the fundamentals of block theme development in part 1 of the Developers Guide to Block Themes.

The course will guide you through the process of developing a block theme from scratch. It covers the fundamental elements of a block theme, teaching you the concepts via real world examples.

What you will learn:

  • The minimum requirements of a block theme
  • Turning design requirements into a theme.json file
  • How to utilize the Site Editor to build out your theme templates
  • Taking the changes from the Site Editor and saving them as theme files
  • Creating Custom Templates, Template Parts, and Variable Templates
  • Lessons: 19

Develop Your First Low-Code Block Theme

Have you ever wanted to know how theme developers design themes? Have you ever wanted to design a theme of your very own from scratch? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Learn how to build a custom block theme using the WordPress site editor–and only a tiny bit of coding. We’ll show you how!

  • Lessons: 23

Converting a Shortcode to a Block

Are you a WordPress plugin developer who wants to dive into developing blocks? Perhaps you have developed a shortcode that provides your users or customers with a specific piece of functionality, and you want to turn it into a block? In this course, you will explore the key knowledge you need to get started converting your shortcodes to blocks.

  • Lessons: 5

Introduction to developing with the WordPress REST API

The WordPress REST API provides an interface for applications to interact with a WordPress site by sending and receiving data as JSON objects. In this course you will learn to use and interact with the WordPress REST API to to power your next site build, plugin, or theme.

  • Lessons: 6

Beginner WordPress Developer

Ready to start developing for WordPress? In this course, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how WordPress works, learn about the tools you will need for local development, and discover the fundamental concepts of WordPress development.

  • Lessons: 59

Introduction to WordPress

WordPress is a powerful content management system with a range of innovative features. In the following courses, you'll get an introduction to WordPress and learn everything you need to know to get going with your website. So whether you're a novice or simply want to know how to set up a new site, we have you covered.

Getting Started With WordPress: Get Set Up

Are you new to WordPress and don’t know where to begin? Then, you’re in the right place!

In this course, you’ll learn about the essential steps to get started with WordPress. We’ll walk you through hosting, domains, and everything in between, so you’re all set for your first time installing WordPress.

This course is right for you if:

  • You want to set up a simple website or blog
  • You are getting started for the first time with WordPress
  • You haven’t decided on a host yet (or don’t know what this is–yet!)
  • You haven’t picked a domain name yet (or don’t know what this is either)

  • Lessons: 11

Creating a 4-page business website

In today’s digital age, having a website is crucial for any business. However, creating a website can seem like a daunting task, especially for those who are not tech-savvy. This course aims to teach you how to create a 4-page business website, from start to finish, using a block theme.

  • Lessons: 10

Intermediate WordPress User

Explore WordPress further with our Intermediate Learning Pathway. Delve into advanced features, fine-tune site customization, and implement effective content strategies. Develop a deeper understanding of WordPress to enhance your online presence and improve your site management skills.

  • Lessons: 37

Beginner WordPress User

Embark on your WordPress journey with our beginner-friendly course! Learn the essentials of creating and managing your own website, from mastering the user-friendly interface to crafting engaging content. Unlock the power of WordPress and build a solid foundation for your online presence.

  • Lessons: 25

Using the Site Editor

If you've ever wanted to edit all parts of your site easily, the Site Editor makes that possible. First launched in WordPress 5.9, the Site Editor includes features like templates, template parts, theme blocks, and more. The courses below will teach you all about using the Site Editor and its features to help you build your perfect site.

Part 3: Advanced Site Design using the Site Editor

Let’s explore how you can use templates and template parts to edit your entire site’s design.

Here’s what you’ll learn by the end of this course:

  • Difference between the Site Editor and Template Editor
  • The function of templates and template parts
  • How to confidently use the Site Editor and Template Editor
  • How to create a personalized site design using templates and template parts
  • Lessons: 8

Contributing to WordPress

WordPress is built and managed by a wide community of individuals from all over the world. These courses will help you find your feet in the project and help you get involved in the mission to democratize publishing.

Open source basics and WordPress

Explore open-source principles as they apply to WordPress, essential for new or seasoned contributor to understand.

  • Lessons: 7

WordCamp organizer training

Required training for all new WordCamp lead organizers, and also helpful for anyone wanting to know how WordCamps work.

  • Lessons: 34

Community team Supporter basics

Community Deputies are a team of people all over the world who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and generally keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find out more about the deputy program.

This course is required training for anyone wanting to join the Deputy program. It is also useful for anyone wanting to know more about how the Community Team works.

  • Lessons: 11

Have an idea for new content? Let us know!