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Feature flags for Node.js.

Use feature flags in your Node.js applications to deploy new features faster, improve reliability, and release confidently.

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Decouple deployments from releases in Node.js image

Decouple deployments from releases in Node.js

Do you work in JavaScript and Node? Looking to use feature flags (aka feature toggles) in your Node.js app to deploy code changes to a subset of users, instantly roll back buggy features, and run A/B tests in production safely? We’ve got you covered. Start feature flagging with LaunchDarkly’s server-side and client-side Node.js SDKs.

Install the Node.js SDK
Why feature flag management? image

Why feature flag management?

LaunchDarkly’s feature management platform enables you to use feature flags on a massive scale across a variety of complex use cases. Unlike configuration files (config files), LaunchDarkly flags let you progressively roll out new features to targeted groups of users, disable problematic code paths in 200ms, and take complete control over every feature in your Node.js application.

Learn the benefits of feature flag management

Get started with LaunchDarkly for Node.js

Install the SDK

npm install @launchdarkly/node-server-sdk
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Bring the SDK into your code

const LaunchDarkly = require('@launchdarkly/node-server-sdk');
client = LaunchDarkly.init(process.env.LAUNCHDARKLY_SDK_KEY);
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Start evaluating flags

const bannerImage = await client.variation(
  { kind: 'user', anonymous: true },
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Rob Zuber, CTO, CircleCI

Feature flags are a critical piece of modern development, and LaunchDarkly brings this part of continuous delivery to the masses.


Rob Zuber


Introducing feature flag management for Node.js

A best practice in modern software development that reduces risk, accelerates code delivery, and lowers your stress.

Make feature management a reality

Small, frequent, low-risk deploys

Gain the confidence to ship faster. In separating code deployments from feature releases, LaunchDarkly feature flags allow you to safely test new functionality in production before a formal software launch.

Instant rollbacks

Resolve incidents in real-time. Use feature flags like kill switches to turn off defective code with a single toggle. No engineers scrambling to put out fires, no emergency fixes, no restarting your entire app.

Progressive rollouts

Use Node.js feature flags to roll out front-end and back-end features to a specific subset of users. As you gain confidence in a feature's performance, gradually roll it out to the broader userbase.

Collaborative software delivery

Empower business stakeholders to turn features on/off for users. Enhance the customer experience and save engineers time. Developers, deploy when you want. Let the business release later.

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We've been able to roll out new features at a pace that would've been unheard of a couple of years ago.

Michael McKaySr. Development Manager

Discover how to deploy code faster with less risk.

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