Keep your engineers
happy & productive

Increase your deployment velocity, software reliability, and release confidence with the developer’s choice for feature management.

Deploy faster

Less waiting, more innovating

LaunchDarkly feature flags drive CI/CD, DevOps transformation, and other key modern development practices.

Deploy when you want, release when you’re ready
Deploy when you want, release when you’re ready

Developers can confidently ship code to production multiple times a day. And business stakeholders (e.g., product managers) can release that code to end-users at the perfect moment.

End merge conflicts
End merge conflicts

Do away with PR bottlenecks and painful merge conflicts. Use feature flags to push code to the main branch continuously. Even if the mainline gets released, users won't see your flagged code.

Progressively deliver changes
Progressively deliver changes

Safely run canary tests and perform gradual rollouts in production. As a new feature clears key benchmarks, progressively release it to a wider audience.

Improve reliability

Take away risk and uncertainty

Remove anxiety with instant rollbacks

Turn off any feature or code path with the click of a mouse (or API call) within 200 milliseconds.

Safely test in production

LaunchDarkly allows you to safely test in production in advance of a product launch.

Automatically disable broken code

Connect to your observability tools and automatically turn a flag on/off if your tools detect a critical service issue.

Shrink time-to-value

Shorten the time-to-value for software launches

Release features to users at your own pace. Start small, gain confidence, and ease your way to 100%. Get the right features to the right users in less time.

Iterate faster, gather feedback earlier
Iterate faster, gather feedback earlier

Expose features to select users in real production environments. Gather critical insights and make tweaks before rolling out to the rest of your user base. Iterate on a feature throughout an incremental rollout. Build things that users actually want rather than hoping you got it right.

Deliver personalized experiences
Deliver personalized experiences

Divide users into well-defined cohorts and target releases accordingly. Deliver highly personalized digital experiences. Release features to specific users based on their geography, appetite for new functionality, and a host of custom attributes.

Run A/B tests and experiments
Run A/B tests and experiments

Conduct targeted A/B tests, multivariate tests, and experiments to get a detailed look into how features impact user engagement and system performance. See, for example, how an infrastructure change affects the user experience. Once an experiment is done, ship the relevant code change immediately—all in LaunchDarkly.

Case study

IBM goes from deploying twice a week to 100+ times a day.

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We've been able to roll out new features at a pace that would've been unheard of a couple of years ago.

Michael McKay

Principal Software Engineer, IBM

Case study

HP standardizes and scales releases with LaunchDarkly.

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The team can switch back to a feature behavior without doing code changes.

Brent Foley

Software Engineer - Platform Infrastructure Team, HP

Case study

Atlassian moves faster and continuously delivers software.

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My teams can spend more time focusing on the items that differentiate us as a company.

Bevan Blackie

Head of Engineering - Collaboration Essentials, Atlassian

IBM logoHP logoAtlassian logo

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You can't undersell how having tools like this helps bring joy to developers' lives. And not just developers, but product marketing and beyond. It empowers people.

Scott Gainous

Scott Gainous

VP of Engineering,

Hireology logo

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It’s simple. We’re able to ship value to customers faster and get feedback sooner, which improves the overall experience.

Bevan Blackie

Bevan Blackie

Head of Engineering - Collaboration Essentials,

Atlassian logo

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LaunchDarkly allows us to create targeted personalized experiences for our customers without requiring custom code.

Enrique Vicent Moratalla

Chapter Lead,
Admiral Insurance

Admiral Insurance logo

Foster collaboration

Make software delivery a company-wide effort

LaunchDarkly empowers all teams, starting with developers, to deliver and control software.

Test innovations collaboratively
Test innovations collaboratively

LaunchDarkly lets multiple stakeholders test different aspects of a feature during a rollout. Developers run tests to see if the feature breaks production. DevOps engineers measure the effect on infrastructure costs. Product managers run beta tests. They all align around the collective insights gleaned.

Lighten the load for developers
Lighten the load for developers

Free up time and energy for developers to pour into high-impact projects. Let customer-facing teams, such as Customer Support, Sales, and Product, grant and deny access to functionality (i.e., manage entitlements) with feature flags. Ensure a better customer experience and boost efficiency.

Focus on innovation, not release management
Focus on innovation, not release management

Give application owners dynamic control over feature releases. LaunchDarkly's intuitive dashboard makes it easy for product, marketing, and release management teams to segment and target specific users. Meanwhile, developers can devote themselves to building the next big thing.

Start building better software.