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'Shop Contest: Christmas 2019, Winners!

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The holidays are over, the year is coming to a close, but like Christmas decorations on December 28, the holidays aren’t quite over yet. So let’s get a little festive one last time before we end the year and the decade.

Our winning image this week comes from SuperSonicBryan, who creates a nice collage of games from 2019.

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I got a nice amount of presents this year, with some great stuff from many of you. I also got some terrible images and you folks know who you are and deserve coal in your stockings next year.


You can check out the original post to see all the entries, but here are some of my favorites.

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Mrichston wins the award for “Coolest Santa.”

Image for article titled 'Shop Contest: Christmas 2019, Winners!

Richardrae1 gets the award for the “Oldest Holiday In-Game Event.”

Image for article titled 'Shop Contest: Christmas 2019, Winners!

Villings receives the award for “Most Disturbing Christmas Lights.”

Image for article titled 'Shop Contest: Christmas 2019, Winners!

Amazingmeow picks up the award for “Best Baby Jesus Replacement.”

Image for article titled 'Shop Contest: Christmas 2019, Winners!

Chris MC wins the award for “Weirdest Christmas Card.”

Image for article titled 'Shop Contest: Christmas 2019, Winners!

Bob The Rock wins nothing, blah blah blah. Nice candy cane.

Image for article titled 'Shop Contest: Christmas 2019, Winners!

EpicTacoSam picks up the award for “Most Festive Whip.”

Image for article titled 'Shop Contest: Christmas 2019, Winners!

Done With Kinja receives the award for “Loveliest Christmas DLC.”

Image for article titled 'Shop Contest: Christmas 2019, Winners!

And finally, Cecil_Banon ruins Christmas for me. Thanks.

That’s it for this week’s contest! If your creation didn’t win, don’t worry! There’s always tomorrow when I’ll be back with a new ‘Shop Contest.