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Getting Started with Jetpack VideoPress

Host your videos on rather than your host’s servers. Your videos will load more quickly on your website, and not take up any space from your host’s storage limits. Take control of your branding, and say goodbye to third-party players’ logos on your site.

Jetpack VideoPress requirements

Activate VideoPress from the Jetpack plugin

  1. Go to WP Admin -> Jetpack -> My Jetpack. Then click, Purchase.
  1. Once purchased, VideoPress will be enabled for your site. Click Manage to view VideoPress Settings:
Screenshot of My Jetpack, showing a different card for each different Jetpack feature. There is an arrow pointing to the `Manage` button on the VideoPress card
  1. Make sure VideoPress is enabled on the management page in Settings.
  1. You can select your site-wide video privacy here and see your VideoPress storage usage.

Activate VideoPress with the VideoPress plugin

If VideoPress is the only Jetpack feature you want to use, then the single plugin is probably the best option for you. This dedicated plugin also creates a VideoPress dashboard directly in WP Admin, where you can upload and manage all of your videos. Take

Add your first video

You can upload videos a couple of different ways:

  • Upload via
  • Upload via VideoPress Block
  • Upload via the VideoPress Dashboard (if you have the VideoPress plugin active)

Please read more in Uploading Your Videos, including full details about video format requirements.

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