Jetpack from Anywhere: The Mobile App is Here

There’s not much better than world-class security and analytics tools in a single plugin. But wouldn’t it be fantastic if all of these things were available on an app so you could access them on the go?

Announcing the new Jetpack mobile app, now available for iOS and Android — hooray! This robust app brings all of your favorite essential Jetpack features to your mobile device. Receive important notifications, keep tabs on site activity, restore a backup if necessary, scan for malware, view valuable site stats, and access other Jetpack features you love, anytime and anywhere. 

The app supports WordPress sites with Jetpack enabled and an account connected to

To download the mobile app, click the buttons below or enter your email to get a link on your mobile device.

In a nutshell: What the Jetpack app includes

Backups and restores

Remember that one time something went haywire at the perfect, most convenient time? Never. Thankfully, the mobile app lets you restore a site from wherever you are.

If you’re like most business owners, you probably come across things on your site that could use a tweak or two while you’re away from the office. You’re finally free to play around with modifications on the go. If you make a mistake, just restore things to their previous state. 

Jetpack Backup in the mobile app

Security scanning

This feature provides malware detection for your WordPress site with instant notifications and one-click fixes for common problems. It allows you to check the latest scan, run a new one, and resolve any threats that arise. No matter the kind of site you run, you know full well that the activity — and threats — don’t stop just because you’re away from your desk. 

With the Jetpack app, you’ll never have to race home in the middle of happy hour to save your website from malware. 

Jetpack Scan inside the mobile app

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Site stats

View your site visits by date along with your most popular pages and posts. Learn more about your visitors and track their patterns from anywhere. Check performance in real time before making changes to posts, products, and pages on the app.

Not only are your site stats good to know, but if you need easy access to this information for sharing purposes, you’ve got it. 

Perhaps you run into a potential sponsor or partner while at a conference. You’ve got their attention, but they’re asking questions about stats. Timing is everything — the app means you don’t have to wait until you’re back at the hotel to give them what they want. Make fast headway wherever you are without the need to drag around your laptop. Deal closed. 

site stats viewed inside the Jetpack mobile app

An activity log

Manage your site activity from anywhere. See who made changes, view when they made them, and filter all activity by date and type. Maintain control over your site while keeping tabs on what employees or stakeholders are up to. Collaborate with your team like never before. 

But it’s not just about peace of mind — if your site goes down, it’s incredibly helpful to know exactly what happened right before the issue. You can even enable Jetpack Backup to quickly restore a previous version.

activity log from inside the Jetpack mobile app

Core WordPress features

Oh, and not to worry — the app supports all the same WordPress features you’d expect. Draft a spontaneous haiku from the couch, snap a product shot on your lunch break and post it to your site, or respond to your latest comments while waiting for your latte. Say goodbye to limitations — let creativity and innovation flow freely!

What’s next?

Just like Jetpack itself, we built the Jetpack app using all the knowledge we’ve acquired over the years making WordPress tools. We’ll continue to add the features you need and love most while investing in making the app the perfect companion for your security, marketing, and performance needs. Our focus is to help you work smarter, faster, and better no matter where you are.

To download the mobile app, click the buttons below or enter your email to get a link on your mobile device.

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Rob Pugh profile
Rob Pugh

Rob is the Marketing Lead for Jetpack. He has worked in marketing and product development for more than 15 years, primarily at Automattic, Mailchimp, and UPS. Since studying marketing at Penn State and Johns Hopkins University, he’s focused on delivering products that delight people and solve real problems.

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Learn how Jetpack can help you protect, speed up, and grow your WordPress site. Get up to 50% off your first year.

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