The 9 Best AI Plugins to Supercharge Your WordPress Site

Over the past year, there’s been a rapid increase in WordPress plugins offering AI-powered features to improve your site. There are AI plugins that can help you with everything from creating compelling content to keeping spam at bay. AI can also extend new innovative functionality to customers, like allowing them to ask questions of a chatbot that “knows” your site’s content.

But, with so many plugins and AI tools on the market, it can be hard to know which is best for your site. To help, we’ve put together this useful guide to the best AI plugins for WordPress. We’ll explore how AI can be used on your site before looking at nine of the top plugins on the market and answering your questions about AI and WordPress. So, let’s dive right in!  

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The Top 8 Paragraph Generators That Use AI Technology

Have you ever stared at a blank screen, grappling with writer’s block, unsure of how to craft that next paragraph? You’re not alone. In an age where content is king, the pressure to produce high-quality, engaging writing is immense. 

The great news is that with the recent rise of AI technology, advanced paragraph generators are revolutionizing how we approach writing, allowing you to overcome writer’s block and create high-quality, engaging paragraphs within seconds.

With 55% of businesses already integrating AI into their content production processes, it’s clear that there are considerable benefits in both efficiency and creativity that can be gained from using an AI paragraph generator.

But with so many options on the market, how do you choose the right one? To help, we’ve put together this essential guide to paragraph generators. We’ll explore the essential features any good generator should have, look at eight of the top choices in the market, and answer all of your questions about AI paragraph generators. So let’s get started! 

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Upcoming Update: Jetpack’s Lazy Loading Feature Deprecation

Jetpack and Jetpack Boost have long been champions of optimizing site performance, with features like lazy loading images being instrumental in reducing load times. However, in light of recent technological advancements, we’re here to inform you about the deprecation of this feature to align with the latest web standards.

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How to Make Automatic WordPress Backups on the Cloud

Backing up your site can be an effective way to keep your content safe. But unless you remember to take a manual backup consistently, and storing copies in a secure environment, you may be lulled into a false sense of security. 

The good news is that you can use a powerful tool, Jetpack VaultPress Backup, to easily set up automated backups and store a copy of your WordPress site on a secure cloud platform. 

In this post, we’ll discuss the importance of making off-site WordPress backups. We’ll also look at some cloud-based backup solutions for WordPress. Finally, we’ll show you how to automate things with one of the best WordPress backup plugins.

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How to Deactivate a Plugin Without Access to WP-Admin

Sometimes, a plugin can cause a fatal or critical error in WordPress that results in loss of access to a site’s web pages or WP Admin area. When a fatal error occurs on a WordPress site, it’s usually due to a bug in a plugin or theme’s code that causes the site’s server to become stuck and unable to respond to requests.

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11 Must-Have WordPress Plugins That Are Essential in 2024

The right combination of WordPress plugins can supercharge your website, add useful functionality, and provide a great experience for you and your visitors. But with nearly 60,000 plugins in the official plugin repository, it can be difficult to know which to choose. So to help with finding the best plugins for your website, we’ve put together a list of the top eleven must-have plugins on WordPress.

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Meet Jetpack: Ryan

Our dedicated team of Happiness Engineers is one of the best reasons to jump into Jetpack. With direct access to a global team of WordPress experts, our customers know that they’ll always have the help they need to get things up and running smoothly.

These folks are smart — really smart. Any chance to pick their brains about all things related to WordPress and Jetpack is a great opportunity to learn something new! We recently caught up with Ryan, a longtime team member and passionate WordPress enthusiast, who has some interesting advice for the millions of folks building their online presence with WordPress.

It’s no secret that you know a lot about WordPress. How did you first get involved with the software?

I’ve been using WordPress since 2008 or so. Back then, I was working at a small company building websites for local businesses. As website requests got more complex, we had to find a way to serve our clients that didn’t require hand-coding sites from scratch. Luckily, I discovered WordPress and have been learning more about it ever since. It’s been really cool too see how much the platform has grown and matured over the years!

What does a typical day look like for you on the Jetpack team?

Most days, I’m working with our customers, doing my best to ensure they have the best possible experience with Jetpack. That might mean troubleshooting an issue, offering advice on how to best use Jetpack, or providing instructions on how to accomplish something they’d like to do on their site.

I’m also regularly working with and communicating with my teammates. We help each other investigate issues, share feedback, and discuss how we can keep improving our service. And we have a healthy amount of social chatter, too. The regular debate on the proper spelling of color/colour with some of my international teammates always gives me a laugh.

What are some of the biggest challenges in supporting our enormous — and awesome — community of customers?

You captured part of my response right in your question – the size of our community certainly brings some logistical challenges. We pride ourselves on providing hands-on support and we strive to help everyone that contacts us as thoroughly we can. That approach, combined with our volume of users, means we have to learn our products inside and out, so we can provide accurate and efficient help. It’s not the worst problem to have — we love working with users! — but it certainly keeps us busy 🙂

In your years of supporting Jetpack customers, what common missteps have you seen?

I find that a lot of folks don’t realize all the benefits that Jetpack can provide for a website. From backups and security, to our site accelerator and performance-related tools, I find newcomers and veterans alike are often surprised to learn about a feature they hadn’t known exists. My advice would be to explore — check out all of the features and give them a try on your site!

Beyond newcomers, what advice would you give the WordPress users running Jetpack on their sites?

You don’t have to go it alone! There’s a team of people, myself included, who are more than happy to help, whether you have a question about Jetpack or a suggestion you’d like to share with us. Don’t be afraid to give us a shout; it’s what we’re here for.

What’s your favorite memory of working here over the years?

Oh man, it’s hard to name just one. I’ve gotten to work on some very interesting sites. I get to work with an incredible team. And every day, I get to help people work towards their publishing goals. If I have to choose just one, I’d say that my favorite part is working with our customers and getting to hear their feedback. The kind words and positive feedback are always really nice to hear. And the constructive feedback and suggestions help us improve our products and our service.

We’ll be back soon with another opportunity to get to know the folks behind Jetpack. In the meantime, subscribe to our blog for updates on everything Jetpack and tips for securing and growing your site, delivered straight to your inbox.

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How WordAds Members Can Increase Their Earnings With ads.txt

Growing your advertising income is an incremental process, one where small decisions can accumulate to make a real difference. One easy way to optimize your site for ads is to keep an up-to-date ads.txt file on your site. What is an ads.txt file, you might ask?

Ads.txt (Authorized Digital Sellers) is a mechanism that enables content owners to declare who is authorized to sell their ad inventory. It’s the formal list of advertising partners you support as a publisher.

If you are a current member of the WordAds program and you’ve customized the ads.txt file on your site, you may not be reaching your maximum earning potential. Advertising buyers actually block sites that are missing buyers’ ads.txt data, so it’s very important to keep this file current.

Please note: if your site is a a subdirectory site, then Ads will not work. You will need to purchase a plan with WordAds for the main site, then follow the below instructions.

To maximize the revenue you’re generating, you can configure Jetpack to control your ads.txt file — that way, the list of approved partners updates automatically, while you save time you can better invest in running your business or creating new content. Here’s how:

  1. Make sure that you’re running the latest version of Jetpack from Dashboard → Updates.
  2. Head to <your-site-url>/ads.txt, and copy the custom entries you find there.
  3. Go to your site’s Ads section at Jetpack → Settings → Traffic, and paste those entries into the Custom ads.txt entries field.
  4. Click the blue Save Settings button at the top of the Ads section when you’re done.
  5. Confirm that there is no ads.txt file at the root of your site. If another plugin is trying to manage your ads.txt file, disable the plugin.
Posted in Features, Tips & Tricks, WordAds | 2 Comments

Streamline Your Donation Process With a Simple Payment Button

Running and maintaining a nonprofit website or blog is hard work. Sometimes, it can even leave you feeling like your labor of love is going unrecognized.

If you find yourself in this situation, you likely want to see some kind of return on your investment and time.

Today, we’ll review whether requesting donations on your site with a Simple Payment Button is appropriate for your situation, and how Jetpack can support your efforts if this is the case.

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Try These Five Google Tools for Your Website

Google provides a number of free tools that seamlessly integrate with Jetpack-powered WordPress websites. These tools can help you deliver even better experiences to your website visitors.

In turn, this can position you to accomplish your long and short-term goals, whether they’re increasing your site engagement, boosting your conversion rate, or successfully reaching a new audience segment.

Let’s take a look at five Google tools that can help cater to your site visitors’ needs, and position you to reach your goals faster.

Continue reading → Try These Five Google Tools for Your Website

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