6 Proven Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate on Any Website

When people visit a website and leave quickly, this can signal something important. This is often captured in a metric called bounce rate, an important number for any website owner to monitor. 

Reducing this rate typically means that you’re keeping visitors more engaged and turning them into readers, customers, or followers. But making a website sticky — meaning that people want to stay and explore — isn’t always straightforward. It involves a mix of technical fixes, content improvements, and user experience enhancements.

This guide will introduce six proven ways to reduce bounce rate, offering practical steps and insights for anyone looking to make their sites more engaging. From understanding what bounce rate is and why it matters, to detailed strategies for improving site speed, content quality, and user engagement, we’ll cover everything you need to know to keep your visitors on your site longer.

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How to Start a Fashion Blog For Free (and Get Paid)

Creating a website or blog to share your passion for fashion and your unique take on style has never been easier. But, with so many different platforms and options available, it can be difficult to decide on the right tools to turn your hobby into an authoritative source for fashion inspiration.

Here are eight steps to create a fashion blog that will help you express your creativity, have fun, and even turn a profit:

  1. Find your voice.
  2. Name your blog.
  3. Choose your host.
  4. Pick a theme.
  5. Install security and performance plugins.
  6. Create a posting schedule and stick to it.
  7. Use high-quality photography and draw from your social media accounts.
  8. Monetize your fashion blog.

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woman taking an online yoga class in her living room

How to Sell Videos and Digital Products on WordPress

If you’re a blogger or social media influencer, then you love creating high-quality content that you’re passionate about. How do you make money doing what you love? Affiliate marketing, advertising, and physical products are all great options, but there’s also a fourth that may feel more natural to your loyal followers: digital products.

Digital products include everything from videos and podcasts to live online events, online courses, books, and downloads. When you transform the content, you’re creating products you can sell and opening up a whole new world of possibilities for your website.

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Restaurant website tips

Restaurant Websites: Go Digital with Jetpack

77% of diners visit a restaurant’s website before they order food — and this first impression impacts their decision to either visit your location or move on. But nearly 36% of businesses don’t have a website; relying instead on social media and other platforms to reach customers online — thus giving up critical control over how potential customers perceive their business. 

A website comes with endless possibilities: speak directly to your customers, take online reservations, sell products or gift cards, offer deliveries, and present your business in the best light. 

Creating a restaurant website is also easier than you might think! It’s all about choosing the right tools, features, and content. 

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Jetpack Customer Relationship Management plugin

Introducing Jetpack CRM: Grow Your Business Through Better Contact Management

We’re excited to announce Jetpack CRM, a new customer relationship management system built specifically for WordPress sites. Cultivating rich, ongoing relationships with your customers is now as easy as saving a draft or uploading a photo. 

“When you start out as an entrepreneur, there is a lot to learn,” says Woody Hayday, cofounder, Jetpack CRM. “One of the most important things small businesses can do to be successful is to build a strong rapport with their customers. We built Jetpack CRM to give entrepreneurs the most effective toolkit for managing their important relationships.” 

Continue reading → Introducing Jetpack CRM: Grow Your Business Through Better Contact Management

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WordPress Themes and Features for Realtors

If you’re a realtor, you’re probably familiar with this situation: you’re out on a site visit, taking calls from potential home buyers, and preparing for several open houses. With all the real estate business details you have to keep track of on a daily basis, you don’t want to worry about your website, too!

Fortunately, Jetpack allows realtors to conveniently manage their properties, provide relevant information to prospective clients, and increase potential leads.

Here’s how you can use Jetpack for everything from picking real estate WordPress themes, to managing different aspects of your website on-the-go.

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Attract New Business by Adding Testimonials to Your Website

Your website plays a crucial role in helping you find and secure new clients. By highlighting your skills, know-how, services, and past projects through an online portfolio, you’re providing future clients with the information they need when deciding whether to hire you to complete their projects.

In addition to creating a dynamic online portfolio, though, it’s vitally important to include customer testimonials on your website to highlight the positive experiences they had when working with you.  Whether you’re managing a fully-fledged eCommerce site or you’re just a startup with a basic landing page, making sure you include testimonials is one of the best ways to provide social proof and show website visitors that you mean business.

Let’s discuss how to use the Testimonials feature to establish credibility in your field, while improving the conversion rate of visitors into clients.

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An Introduction to Online Advertising With WordAds

If you run a website or regularly create content, you probably discovered that it requires a lot of upkeep and time. From brainstorming content topics and researching trending themes, to writing and publishing your posts, maintaining a website is no easy feat.

Sometimes, running a site doesn’t leave much time to complete other projects that typically bring in added revenue (like freelance writing or photography). To get the biggest return on your time investment, and if you have a Premium or Professional Jetpack plan, you might want to consider online advertising with WordAds to generate some extra income.

Today, we’ll review why using ads might be the most efficient, and streamlined way to make money from your website or blog.

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How to Increase Engagement by Communicating with Visitors

Creating a website is a great way to open the channels of communication with your audience members. Visitors can interact with your content, reach out through your social media platforms, and submit forms with their questions and comments. However, even the best website in the world will miss out on growth opportunities if you don’t develop and support these website communication channels.

Great site communication can help you grow a loyal audience, increase brand awareness, and attract more supporters.

There are multiple ways to use your website to increase communication and engagement with your audience. Let’s discuss the importance of nurturing website engagement.

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