23 Easy Steps to Optimize WordPress Speed and Performance

Speed and performance are key considerations for website owners. Fast websites support a positive user experience and can reduce bounce rates. And just as important, speed is factored into search engine rankings.

With that in mind, there are a few steps you can take to optimize WordPress speed and performance. For starters, you can choose a fast web host, use WordPress optimization plugins, and implement caching. There are also more technical measures you can take like critical CSS generation.

In this post, we’ll dive straight into 23 easy steps to power up your WordPress performance optimization strategy. Let’s get started!

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Jetpack Boost

Discover how to improve your site performance with Jetpack Boost

Your WordPress site’s speed can be the difference between keeping a visitor and losing one. With so many plugins and solutions out there, finding tools that improve performance and are easy to use is crucial. Jetpack Boost, with its new Cache tool, offers a simple and powerful way to make your website load faster. Designed for ease of use, Jetpack Boost ensures you don’t need to be a tech expert to optimize your site.

In this post, we’ll explore Jetpack Boost’s comprehensive features and how it can effortlessly elevate your site’s performance.

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How to Combine Images Using CSS Sprites in WordPress

Most websites use a lot of images. It’s pretty common to see product, portfolio, or even just regular pages filled with dozens of image files, each of which needs to load separately. CSS sprites offer a workaround for this, by enabling you to combine multiple images into a single file.

While you need to be comfortable with CSS to use sprites effectively, there are some tools that can make the task a lot easier. For instance, a CSS Sprites Generator greatly simplifies the process of combining multiple images.

In this article, we’ll explain how CSS sprites work and discuss their pros and cons. Then we’ll show you how to combine images with CSS sprites and use them in WordPress. 

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The 10 Best WordPress Cache Plugins to Consider in 2024

Technology has made everyone impatient, especially when it comes to using websites. In fact, 47 percent of users won’t wait more than two seconds for a site to load. That means speeding up and optimizing your site’s performance is no longer optional ��� it’s an essential standard practice for any business.

Fortunately, several methods can help speed up a site, including implementing a content delivery network (CDN), optimizing videos and images, and using a WordPress cache plugin.

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How to Test Your Website Speed: 6 Easy Ways

A fast-loading website is a necessity if you want to find success in today’s world. Not only can lengthy load times drive away visitors, they can diminish your search engine rankings, so fewer people find you in the first place. 

So, how do you know if you have a fast or slow website? How do you measure the speed of a WordPress site? 

The answer isn’t a subjective one you can determine on your own. Instead, you should use concrete metrics and reliable testing methods to gauge your improvements over time and compare your site to top competitors. 

The good news for WordPress website owners is that Jetpack has a suite of tools — including Jetpack Boost — that can quickly measure your site’s performance and provide one-click improvements.

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How to Quickly Improve Your Website Speed: 5 Proven Tips

On the web, milliseconds matter. Site visitors demand swift, responsive experiences, and just a few extra seconds of loading time can make the difference between a loyal customer and a lost opportunity. As website owners seek to improve their online presence, speed simply cannot be overlooked. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the importance of website speed and offer five tried-and-true strategies to supercharge your site’s performance.

For WordPress users, we spotlight Jetpack Boost, a valuable plugin and ally in the quest for speed optimization.

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How to Improve WordPress Site Speed on Mobile & Desktop

Slow websites are painful — and not just when you’re waiting for that recipe to load while balancing a boiling pot and a hungry toddler. 

If you own a WordPress site or are in charge of managing one, a slow website can be painful to your goals. Visitors will get tired of waiting for pages to load, and leave your site without making a purchase or inquiry, and they may not come back to give you a second chance.

But if you’re tired of poor performance, it’s not all gloom and doom. You don’t need to be an expert in web development to make your WordPress website run faster. You don’t need hours of extra time or a huge budget approval from management. 

There are plenty of optimization strategies that are easy to implement and highly effective! And, in many cases, you can install a WordPress plugin to do most of the work.

Below, we’ll take a look at the main causes of slow WordPress websites and discuss the importance of prioritizing page speed for mobile visitors. Then, we’ll show you how to measure your WordPress site speed and walk you through a 22-step guide to improve it. 

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Upcoming Update: Jetpack’s Lazy Loading Feature Deprecation

Jetpack and Jetpack Boost have long been champions of optimizing site performance, with features like lazy loading images being instrumental in reducing load times. However, in light of recent technological advancements, we’re here to inform you about the deprecation of this feature to align with the latest web standards.

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How to Improve Google Core Web Vitals on WordPress

If you have a WordPress site, you understand the value of a top-notch user experience. It impacts your conversion rate, subscriber count, ad views, search engine rankings, and more.

Poor Core Web Vitals can negatively impact that user experience.

But what exactly are Core Web Vitals? Why are they so important? And how can you improve WordPress Core Web Vitals? Let’s take a look.

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How to Improve First Input Delay (FID) in WordPress

As your site traffic increases, you’ll want to ensure that things continue to run smoothly. If visitors have to wait more than a few seconds for your page to load, they’ll likely leave your site and may never come back.

Fortunately, there are some simple tests to evaluate your performance and, if improvements are needed, there are solutions that can almost immediately improve your loading times

In this post, we’ll discuss one aspect of site performance: First Input Delay. You’ll learn what it is, why it’s important, and how you can measure and improve the FID score on your WordPress site.

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