How to Edit & Customize Your WooCommerce Cart Page

When you use WooCommerce to build your online store, you’ll get some helpful page templates designed specifically for ecommerce, including a Cart page. However, you might want to enhance the default appearance and functionality. In that case, you’ll want to know how to edit your WooCommerce Cart page.

The good news is that this process is pretty easy. What’s more, there are quite a few different approaches you can try. For example, you can use blocks to customize your WooCommerce Cart page. Or for greater control, you can modify your Cart page manually.

In this post, we’ll start by discussing why you might want to edit your WooCommerce Cart page. Then we’ll show you five different ways you can do this. Finally, we’ll share some tips and best practices, before going over some frequently asked questions. 

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How to Edit & Customize Your WooCommerce Checkout Page

The default WooCommerce checkout page is streamlined for the average store and audience. However, there’s a good chance your store is anything but average and your audience has unique needs and preferences that challenge a basic checkout flow.

If this sounds like your store, you probably want to customize the default WooCommerce Checkout page to make it more user-friendly for your specific customers and encourage them to complete purchases. 

Fortunately, there are many ways to edit the WooCommerce Checkout page. You can use WooCommerce extensions or blocks, or edit the page manually using code. By optimizing this page, you can create a more seamless checkout experience. 

Before you make changes, however, make sure you have a WordPress backup plugin installed and active, so you can quickly restore your site in case something goes wrong, or you simply want to undo your work. 

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at why you might want to edit the Checkout page in WooCommerce. Then, we’ll guide you through three simple methods.

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6 Best WooCommerce Product Search Plugins in 2024

A great search tool is an essential element of a fantastic customer experience for any ecommerce store. Plus, as customers are two times more likely to make a purchase online after searching on a retailer’s website, providing a modern search experience could even help you increase your store’s revenue. 

The default search functionality included with WooCommerce works, but enhancing the experience for customers can help boost your reputation and set you apart from competitors. Thankfully, a WooCommerce search plugin can make it easy to upgrade search for faster, more accurate, and more intuitive results. 

With so many WooCommerce search plugins available, finding the best one for your store can be confusing. So, we’ve put together this handy guide. Read on to explore the features you should be looking for in a WooCommerce product search plugin, and then discover our reviews of six of the best options. 

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How to Edit & Customize Your WooCommerce Shop Page

WooCommerce is a plugin that adds a store to your WordPress website. Owned by Automattic, the people behind, and supported by more than 300 employees, it’s considered the top option for aspiring ecommerce store owners and existing enterprise-level ecommerce operations alike. 

Building your site with WordPress and WooCommerce gives you complete ownership over your store, with a flexible framework for building a system and design that’s as unique as your dream. 

Today we’re going to talk about the WooCommerce Shop page, why you may want to build one, and how to customize it. 

New to ecommerce? Learn more about WooCommerce

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12 Ways to Increase Sales on Your WooCommerce Store

Do you ever feel like you’re just waiting for the phone to ring? Or, these days, waiting for your next order notification? You hear stories about store owners who are so overwhelmed with orders that they can barely keep up. And… you want to be overwhelmed, too. 

Well, if you want to increase sales, revenue, and profits, it’s time to get moving. There are very specific, proven steps you can take to increase sales in your WooCommerce store, and we’re going to show you the 12 that will make the greatest impact.

Whether you sell physical products, digital products, or both, the ecommerce strategies in this article apply to almost every WooCommerce store. 

And the best news is, you can start working on all of these right now. Even better, since there are twelve, you’ve got a plan you can use as a roadmap for improvement over the next year. Focus on one strategy per month, and this time next year you might just be one of those store owners overwhelmed with orders. 

Let’s get to it.

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The 5 Best WordPress Search Plugins for Advanced Site Search

Search functionality is essential for most websites as it helps visitors locate the information, content, or products they need. WordPress comes with a native search system, but this can only perform basic lookups, and it can be slower than users expect, especially if your website contains a lot of content.

Luckily, there’s a wide range of advanced search plugins for WordPress that enable you to offer a speedy experience. These plugins often come with useful features such as instant search results, ecommerce product support, and spelling correction that help ensure your visitors can quickly find the information they’re looking for.  

There are a lot of WordPress search plugins out there, so to help you find the perfect one for your site, we’ve put together this handy guide. Read on to explore the features you should be looking for in a WordPress search plugin, and then see our reviews of five of the best options. 

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What Is WooCommerce? What Does It Do & How to Use It

Whether you sell physical products, digital items, services, bookings, or courses, an online store can be an incredible opportunity to reach your target audience. It helps you reach people where they already spend their time, even if they’re always on the go. And it allows you to share the benefits and strengths of your products in the best way possible.

But how do you get started selling online? And what tools do you need to build the best ecommerce store? 

Let’s take a look at WooCommerce, a powerful ecommerce platform. We’ll learn what it is, how businesses use it to run their stores, and the steps you can take to get started.

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How to Back Up WooCommerce (Orders, Products, Database)

There’s a lot of work that goes into building and maintaining an online store. Therefore, it’s important to make sure that you know how to back up your WooCommerce store to avoid losing critical data, like your orders, products, and database.

The good news is that there are multiple solutions you can use for backing up WooCommerce. The best option will depend on a handful of factors, like whether you want to use a plugin and the type of backups you want to create. 

In this post, we’ll discuss the importance of backing up your WooCommerce store and how often you should do it. Then, we’ll walk you through the methods you can use to back up your store and restore it. Finally, we’ll answer some common questions about this process. 

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How to Sell Digital Products & Downloads with WooCommerce

Selling digital products is an excellent opportunity for store owners, bloggers, and other content creators alike. 

Digital downloads — like eBooks, music files, images, sewing patterns, and fonts — work well as standalone purchases, or as add-ons to physical products or services. For example, if you sell music courses online, you might also sell digital sheet music. Or if you crochet baby toys, you could sell downloadable patterns for those who also enjoy crafting.

The best part is that they help you generate revenue without having to worry about things like inventory, shipping, and storage. Once you set up your digital products, there’s very little maintenance involved.

And if you already have a WordPress site, getting started is simple and straightforward. Let’s take a look at how to sell digital downloads with WooCommerce, along with some best WordPress security practices.

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Real-time Backups For All text in bold with a 3D cloud on the right with a green checkmark within it

Never Miss a Moment: All Backups Are Now Real-time

Whether you have an eCommerce store, write about your favorite topics online, or promote services on your site, backups are absolutely critical. They provide incredible peace of mind — if your WordPress site is ever hacked or if it goes down for any reason, you can quickly and easily restore it in full.

Until now, Jetpack has offered daily backups as an option for site owners. And while this is a great step to protect your site, Jetpack’s real-time backups are the best way to get complete peace of mind. They save a copy of your site each and every time a change is made — a page is updated, a post is added, a setting is tweaked, or a product is purchased — all behind the scenes without requiring you to lift a finger. That way, you know that you’ll never lose a second of your hard work or a single customer order.

And we believe so strongly that every WordPress site should have real-time backups that we’re making them even more affordable and accessible.

That’s why we’re now including real-time backups in each of our Backup and Security plans.

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