Build your own Jetpack, now with individual plugins

For more than ten years, Jetpack has been regarded as the ultimate all-in-one toolkit for WordPress sites. With more than five million active installations, Jetpack makes sites faster and safer, and provides more traffic, all from a single plugin. It eliminates the need to search for dozens of different plugins, vet their quality, install them, make sure they don’t conflict, and remember to update them.

But we also appreciate that the WordPress community is incredibly diverse and that everyone’s needs are unique. Many developers and site owners asked for the flexibility to use specific components of Jetpack as part of their own, custom-built “tech stack” of plugins. We listened.

“The WordPress community is passionate about being able to control exactly what is installed on their sites,” says Jetpack CEO James Grierson. “The new Jetpack plugins will provide that flexibility, as well as enhance the overall WordPress experience.”

Introducing Jetpack individual plugins

For the first time, you can customize not only which Jetpack features are loaded onto your site, but also which individual plugin you want to install. And if you use multiple Jetpack features, you can add them seamlessly within a single, familiar interface. Install only the features you need while minimizing plugin overhead: the best of both worlds.

We’ve launched six individual plugins for our most popular features, and will continue to add more throughout 2022.

  • Jetpack Backup
    • Back up your site in real-time on Automattic’s secure cloud infrastructure.
  • Jetpack Protect
    • Scan for vulnerabilities in WordPress core, themes, and plugins for free.
  • Jetpack Boost
    • Improve your site speed and SEO for free in just a few clicks.
  • Jetpack Social
    • Automatically share new posts and products on your social channels for free.
  • Jetpack Search
    • Help your visitors find exactly what they’re looking for, faster.
  • Jetpack CRM
    • Streamline communication, provide better customer service, and grow sales.

Explore the benefits of Jetpack

Learn how Jetpack can help you protect, speed up, and grow your WordPress site. Get up to 50% off your first year.

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Is the original Jetpack plugin changing? 

For the millions of people that enjoy Jetpack as an all-in-one plugin, the experience is not changing. You will still be able to install all of our features at once, in a single, uniform, interface. Over time, the products that exist as individual plugins may be extracted from the original one, but no matter which plugin you start with, the experience of adding features will be seamless.

A new Jetpack

We’ve changed a lot over the years. Besides making Jetpack more modular, we’re also building new functionality for agencies and site builders to streamline your operations.

No matter what type of site you have, Jetpack is customizable to make your site safer and faster, while bringing you more traffic. Check out the new Jetpack today.

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Simon Keating profile
Simon Keating

Simon has worked in marketing and product development for over 10 years, previously at HubSpot, Workday, and now Automattic (Jetpack). He has a varied education, with a degree in chemical engineering and a masters in computer science to his name. His passion is helping people and their businesses grow.

Explore the benefits of Jetpack

Learn how Jetpack can help you protect, speed up, and grow your WordPress site. Get up to 50% off your first year.

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