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Great version. If only we'd had this in the BBS days. Thank you.

Thanks very much, love the game cover :)

Very nice version. I’m impressed!

Great Game! But...

I can't move in 1.06 after completion of a level. Ship moes if new level is on. Using a real PAL C128. Anyway, in Arcade Galaga, you could move. Important for a challenging stage and such.

Continue the great work!

Very nice conversion with good playability. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:21:30. Subscription to our YouTube or Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂

I've always loved Galaga and I have it on my NES emulator.

Looking at this, if it plays as good as it looks, I'm in heaven.

Anybody played the Donkey Kong Jr for the 64? Or Sonic (REU)?

Have fun! c


Very sweet conversion, update fixes previous niggles. Top job. Thank you!

(5 edits) (+1)

Thanks for the update, Arlasoft. This is the final version of "Galaga" for me now! Game is great and now finally all problems are wiped out. Good work, much appreciated.

By the way. You also did alot good Atari-2600 conversions to the C64, i saw. If you ever have time and leisure for another one, a 1-to-1 port of the Atari-2600 version of "Phoenix" to the C64, would be an absolutely fantastic thing. I am a big big fan of this game since my childhood. I know it differs from the Arcade version of "Phoenix", but it is a fantastic game of it's own on the Atari-2600. Just a suggestion of course.  :-)


Great update Arlasoft ! Congrats and thanks again !

Is there a programming reason, why this autofire-issue just isn't getting fixed for this game? So are there any problems that make this impossible, or what is the reason why V1.06 simply does not appear? Or is it a time problem, because other games are also being worked on?

No reason, just busy. I'm finishing a new game this week, so after that's done I can tie up a few loose ends before going back to Robotron.

(1 edit)

Okay, understand.

By the way, because i read that you asked for suggestions and i also saw, that you already have made some good Atari-2600 ports. A 1-to-1 port of the Atari-2600 version of Phoenix would be absolutely superb to have on the C64. I totally love Phoenix and especially the Atari-2600 version, although i know, that this version is a bit different from the Arcade original. But i actually like the Atari-2600 Phoenix version the best. Nothing would have to be changed, it could be ported 1-to-1, no improvements needed, this version is ideal as it is.

I know that you have alot work at the moment, but this would be a suggestion for future projects.

V1.06, V1.06, V1.06, V1.06, we need V1.06, V1.06, V1.06, V1.06.  :)

(3 edits)

Greetings! Your Galaga and Galaxian ports are superbe!
You asked for suggestions: I (and others) would really
love proper versions of the terrible U.S. "Quicksilver"
ports of Data East arcade games such as KID NIKI.
The NES version is superior to the arcade and, like most
NES games, is 6502 that can easilly be disassembled.
Thanks for listening & keep up the excellent work!

Would really be appreciated if this Autofire-problem could finally be fixed in a V1.06. Since the problem does not occur in "Galaxian", it's known now, what the problem here in "Galaga" is, don't we?

do the high scores reset every day? i had 2 high scores over 20k yesterday.

On this page? The high scores don't save on the browser version.

The iconic GALAGA, another OUTSTANDING port from ARLASOFT!  Check out my sample of the game play, and please subscribe to my channel if you feel so inclined!  Thanks! :)

Just the best Galaga clone I saw on the Commodore 64. Period!

Is this version (v1.05) going to be the final version?

I hope and guess not. V1.05 still has some smaller problems that should be fixed, like for example the annoying autofire-problem.


I will hopefully get some time before Xmas and New Year to sort out a final update. I wanted to make some improvements to enemy movements but ended up breaking the whole game so had to revert back to v105.

Nice, sounds good. One question - did you read what I wrote a bit further down, when I mentioned "Phoenix (Atari VCS-2600)" and the one with "Tiny Galaga" on the Amiga-500 and it's color scheme, among other things?

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