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LoL I like this game made me laugh when I had fun, Thanks for the demo

Im glad you had fun!


Very dope game.


Great game, it's super fun and very addicting! The movement in this game is so fast but at the same time feels so smooth. It's probably the most fun I've ever had in a game just moving around lol but the gun play is terrific too. I love the new update it adds a lot of great features, I especially like the stats menu. However can you please lower the weapon flash (not exactly sure what it is called). I'm a big fan of the flamethrower however when I use them now I can't see anything but the flames. I also think this game could benefit greatly from a codex of sorts. Something that tells you information or the story behind the different types of angels, maybe you could unlock more information the more you play. All in all this is a really fun game! I'm so glad I stumbled upon this on twitter and I look forward to getting the game on steam at launch.

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Flamethrower might be a bit OP.


Can't wait for Demon Mode!! :D


Arsenal Demon takes a look at almost all of the shooters released in the last 2 decades and shows them the finger. You won't find trends here. You won't find bland modern gameplay sensibilities. What you will find is something insanely fast paced, off the walls(as you run along them), with nothing held back. And it's absolutely glorious.

If you like comparisons, it's as if Quake and Devil Daggers had a baby, and that baby went on a never-ending "haste"(meth) binge.

I's a hecc'ing good time. Play it now.