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I ADORED this game when i was little, im so happy I finally found it again! Im so happy this game was in my childhood.. also a major lesbian awakening for 11 year old me, lol..

I am from Spain and I loved the game , but It would be wonderful if the language could be in spanish.

Nice and uplifting

(2 edits)

Is this from NomnomNami?

Can you please make a sequel of this Story/Game?



I like the fact you need to unlock "hikikomori" ending first before unloking "touch some grass sage" ending.

It's seems there is a bug related to "delora friend" endings. One seems to count as double and so, you get this:

(7 edits)

I super love this gaaame...!!! The first and most obvious route I went for was really something I felt like I needed, since it's just sorta resonant with mine own amateur struggles. I've been trying to get into drawing, and so....!! The writing there was really, really encouraging, with my new-found struggles of looking at what I've made and sometimes not being able to think anything but, "Why am I even trying this". I super appreciated it. Not to mention Angie is freaking cute as hell. 

Then, playing through the rest of the game, all of this is just so... pleasant and encouraging, too!! All of the characters are absolutely lovable, and I'm super glad for the heavier moments each of them go through and the character development that follows. I think that Angie and Bea are my faves, Angie being the beautiful dork they are and Bea being a really resonant character for perhaps obvious reasons but also for the more personality-driven reasons (insecure characters sure are powerful sometimes; another bit of encouragement with my struggles). Of course, that's not to say I didn't love Delora and Maka!!! Delora is so freaking sweet and thoughtful it's fantastic and her whole story was really quite heartwarming and encouraging, and Maka's whole personality quirk and general sweetness are also fantastic in a relatable way that makes me go "YES.... SHE'S SO COOL.......". I love 'em all. THEY'RE ALL SUCH LOVABLE FRICKING CHARACTERS......

I always feel a little sad with multiple ending games where you can only ever choose one or the other, and that definitely remains true here, but. I mean. It's sorta like, I'm sad 'cause I love all the outcomes. I want 'em all to be canon...!! But, y'know. Regardless, they're all great. Picking favorites, the second-to-last one listed is my favorite. Just 'cause, it had the most of what I wanted!!! The most "everybody's supporting each other"!! Of course, the other character-specific endings are fantastic, too, but that one really just has the most "I'm happy for everybody here" to it, and the most closure, for me, personally. The ideal of a character thinking "I wish more days were like today" is super freaking powerful.... The 23rd ending is also really nice as an ending, though!! It was a nice thing to look forward to at the end, and its general execution is pretty impactful, for me.

So in conclusion for the impact of each of the main routes, Angie made me cry in a good way and eased some amount of the struggle I'm having with art, Delora's character arc is wonderfully encouraging and splendid, Maka is a fricking lovable gal at every step, and Bea is fricking cool and cute as heck and I'm always happy when I see characters like her depicted in a thoughtful manner like this. BUT ALSO.... Of course..... Cici herself is really great, too. The whole story in all of the different routes really gives you an appreciation that, doing your best to express yourself is always worthwhile, no matter if your best is fantastic or if it's just, your best!! Every ending having its own positive spin on the situation is also really fricking great. Bad ends are for dweebs!!! Sometimes. Not all the time. But in this situation, it's really great that each one is uplifting in its own way. 

And who could forget...... Coconut........... The legend............. Not necessarily the MVP, or the character with the strongest motives and goals, but certainly the binding of this book called Mermaid Splash! Passion Festival. Were it not for Coconut, things would be missing Coconut, and that'd be a travesty. If only Coconut could've shown me how to get the last Painting Event that I was missing, but I got everything else, so that's perfectly satisfying!! And as a random note, the dialects of all the characters was super fun, between Cici speaking in such a lively and adorable way and Maka talking in such a gentle but excited way, and everything between or beside, it's all fantastic. And as an extra random note, aaaa. All the expressions are so good.... Maybe it's evil of me, but the sad expressions everybody makes are my favorite, in terms of them just being really effective at making myself feel their emotion. Although I'll say the end of Angie's route has the best portrait, to me. I just think it's really fricking beautiful.... I don't really know how to put it, precisely!! It just is!!! Maybe it's the vulnerability and the fact that it's seriously just, a really fantastic moment.

REALLY THE AMOUNT OF CARE AND EFFORT PUT INTO THIS REALLY SHINES THROUGH!!! The art quality and variation is super charming, the OST is really fitting and perfect, and the message is undeniably resonant and positive. Thank ny'all for making it. I'm 5 years too late to be a fresh review on a newly released story, but!!! The magic of games like this is being able to go through them when you find 'em yourself. So. Ya. Thank you!! It was a great experience!!


(2 edits) (+1)

How the heck do you get the Coconut ending?

Nvm I got it. For anyone wondering here's how (at least how I got it):

Just do one week of any Passion (Art, Dancing, Gardening, or Fighting/The Dojo), and spend time with Angie, Delora, Maka, or Bea. The next three weeks, stay at home. And spend time with yourself. And Coconut. This should trigger the ending. 

how though i got the cici ending instead of the coconut ending 😭

Let me try again, and see what I can get. I'm sorry for the false info PINK! Keep trying! 

I uninstalled the game because i couldn't get the endings i needed 😓 but thanks for the encouragement

do one week activity, then stay at home every 4 week-end.


One week of any passion, but don't spend time with anyone 



I adore this game!! Currently at 19 endings out of 23 and stumped on how to get the last four. I'm excited to figure them out though.

For a free game, you're spoiled with a lot of freedom! I think choosing not to have dialogue options was a smart choice, because it's more fun to explore each of Cici's interests and see how you can balance them.

One of those games that leaves you wanting more. It's so fun seeing all the different background mermaid designs and learning more about their culture. I wish the game had a bit more time to let you explore different parts of their town! I'd love to see this setting revisited someday. 

Especially neat is how gardening works, with the anemone's being judged based on the shape and the types of fish living inside them. I wish the gardening route had more cool anemone facts! It's inspired me to look them up myself though!

I disagree with other reviews I've seen about Angie's route. She reeks of tortured artist, so I can understand why that's off-putting to some people. There's nothing like a deadline to make you go, "dang, what am I doing with my life??" It's understandable that she's going through a rough patch the month before a major art competition. Her dialogue comes off as casual rather than infantile to me.

Maybe I'm biased because her sprites are so damn pretty >.<

The dreamer ending was much appreciated since I'm in a similar spot. You gotta figure out your dreams before you can chase them! It's bittersweet that she hasn't found a steady passion yet, but with her peppy disposition, you know she's going to bounce back 10x stronger for the next year.

Delora is best girl. Thx xoxo


Wow! Thank you for the super detailed comment, this was so nice to read. And finally, someone appreciates Delora for how great she is! 😏💖
(Btw, there *is* an ending guide in case you wanna tip the game $2!)

Delora is fantastic <3 <3

I hope I can send you some support someday soon! Unfortunately, I've gotta conserve my cash right now.  I found the other endings through trial and error!

 The last ending really hit me! :0 No spoilers of course! It was such a sudden contrast from the rest of the game, and at first I was scared it was going to be clique. I think you did a nice job with it though! It definitely was existential, but I was happy that it didn't completely abandon the themes of the game. The hopeful twist was much appreciated and there are a lot of ways to interpret why it happens. Wishing the best for Cici *tearful emote*

I look forward to exploring more of your stuff and hopefully I can send you tips when things get better ;^; I know how much work goes into these things because I've been trying to figure out renpy myself hahaha


Well, hey, thanks! We (Sofdelux as a team) unfortunately don't have anything planned to make together in the future, but I think if you like these games, you'll like Nami's solo games a lot. (It's a toss up if you'll like my solo work or not, since it's more adult oriented, but I did a lot of the writing and planning for this game.)

No pressure to give us any tips, we understand it's tough out there right now. But, if you wanna share this game around or tell people about our work... that helps a TON.

I've actually just started reading your webcomic recently! I'm planning to try out your games ^.^ Yes, nomnomnami's stuff is so lovely! I didn't realize they were part of this project at first, but it makes sense with the artsyle.

I do plan to share this game with my friends! And would you mind if I possibly made fanart?


I would *love* if you made fanart! Fanart is SO FUN and also helps a ton so like, please go wild!!!

(2 edits)

I finally got all the endings (on Android the color scheme is easier to read than on desktop for some reason).  I utterly love all the characters.  I also enjoyed the art collection PDF.  


When I first saw Cici's color scheme I thought it might be a hint that she is trans.  I was a little disappointed that that information wasn't revealed in any of the endings or in the art collection.  Maybe it doesn't actually make sense to feel dissapointed, because the game doesn't actually say Cici's trans so I shouldn't have expected her to be.  My response is probably irrational.

Even so I really enjoyed Bea's reveal.  


Aw, sorry to disappoint! You're still more than welcome to think Cici as trans if you want, that's not a problem at all! Thanks a ton for supporting the game!

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