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i love andy's games, cant wait for endacopia full release


I played this game when I was down and in need of comfort, I was having terrible thoughts and playing through this game and unlocking the secret, it made me tear up and actually think twice on what I was doing, tysm Andy. I didnt expect little goober to make me actually realize that I should keep going. Thanks so much.


It was a nice and pleasant game.



  • i will die this is cool


Can someone help me get the app going on iOS? I’m trying to figure out how to even do it. And I want to try out this app so hard.

you cant


I decided to go in blind to this little experience, and honestly if it was just pushing the little button I'd still be entertained. Finding all of the little pictures and watching them move brought me great joy. (And finding all of the letters for the password just added an extra layer to the fun!)

amazing game mobile version please ??


ashes to ashes, dust to dust. the ultimate "it is what it is"


um ok




awesome!!!!!!!! (got the secret)


Hi! I found this project from your yt channel! I love your animations! They're so cool!


Guys!! Im interesting what do you think about the story in this small project? If you have your mind you can reply this post! :D

(Im  bad with English, so my apologies if you see mistake in this post ;'D)

I think it's got a good story! Dust was just a little guy, who, like he said, had ups and downs in his life, and he shared his memories with us so we could see his life and hear his message before he heads to the great beyond. We got to see his friends, his enemies, his loves, his failures and pains and victories and joys. And now he leaves, after a long life, and we're both lucky we got to see it. I love Dust <3


thge little goober!!


lets hope we see more of this lil guy


i agree


I got the perfect sequence of "Back to class!" then the grounded one lmao


What an amazing, emotional game.


dust just understands me so well, they totally understood my completionist mindset <3


very cool 


wow that was pretty good! i did'nt get the secret but dust is amazing

(1 edit)

You gotta get the secret. It's worth it

i got it now "code was ashes2ashes"


The first one I got was the golf one!


and RIGHT AFTER i got the dust death one







Just what I needed. Thank you.


Secret Ending

That was fun experience!

yeah, also after that, he says "Bye!" and the game just closes


Also. Can You Please Make A Plushie For Him? HE IS SO FRICKIN CUTE

(make the plush have life to death versions too)

Include the Ghost one Too


i found out the code it is ASHES2ASHES

Deleted 309 days ago

Oh it was an A not an 8 lmao


bro this is emotional

(1 edit) (+2)

in some of the memories such as the one with kids sitting in a playground or "aren't you supposed to be in class?" i swear i can hear clips of finnish people talking! does anybody know if this is true?


Yeah I think so, can't make out what they're saying though


dude this little project is so fucking cute I constantly think about it 


Very sweet little project. I love Dust very much.


i can t move by pressing w


i hope that theirs no p0rn of this game

(+1) user be normal challenge (impossible)

i made an account on this website just to downvote this comment



I genuinely bawled my eyes out to this, the message at the end just hit so hard I could not stop myself from crying. I felt so seen and appreciated in that moment and nothing could have prepared me for it. I don't even fucking use but I had to make an account and say this game genuinely brought so much love to my heart for myself, thank you Andy <3


its a cute game and the graphics and sound are amazing! 10/10!

(i'm brazilian so, bad english warning)

pretty good game, nice graphics, and short but cute pass time, tipe of game

(1 edit) (+3)

the secret message is heart breaking

(edit) why is he so depressed in the game


I don't think he's depressed. You know how, when bad things and good things happen, you tend to remember the bad things really well? I think he just had a lot of not-so-nice memories stuck in his head and wanted to share them. But he had a lot of good to go with the bad. I think the good made it all worth it. He had a long life and seemed pretty happy after it all :)


I love it!! I absolutely love the style :D it was a nice depiction of the ups and downs of life, with a lovely message at the end


left me unsettled

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